Dealing with tax doesn't make you far right. And only the Supreme Court can be blamed for Roe v Wade, which fell due to the most stupid constitution semantics in the case :josad:

Either way I do not think you know what far-right means, we all expected a crazy term from him and it was nothing out of the ordinary for US politics.
Then what does it mean to be far right? What do you mean not out of the ordinary? There has never been a president who has contested the result of an election to the point that there was a riot inside the capitol. If you like his vibes just say so, whatever makes you feel better.
How can you compare Osama to a general who was literally fighting ISIS on the ground? Are you fucking retarded?
Yeah imagine to have the gall to call out anyone about "not knowing shit about politics" after that comparison of murdering a terrorist org leader and a foreign government official, like goddamn the average population always proves to be so dumb i'm sometimes starting to sympathize with that ancient extreme meritocratic aristocrat Plato. At least his critics explaining in part his disdain for Democracy (besides his philosophic mentor getting executed through street tribunals for some bs accusations) were absolutely spot on 2.000+ years later.
The liberal and conservative mainstream medias and far right conservatives created him. Nothing really fancy..

Typical liberal BS

Of course there is place for political violence. Politic itself is CONFLICT.

We just need to stop at killing or injuring people. Without the political violence of the past, this guy wouldn't be able to speak today.

People's entire existences are threaten by the arrival of Trump in power mate.
So yes, I can understand why some would prefer to see him neutralized.

This is not the solution, but you need to understand what a threat Trump really is.

No one deserves to die

Don't be so sure, If have seen more accelerationnist in the liberal camp than in the marxist one. The liberals themself in power ARE accelerationnist (Macron is one example)

You are targeting the wrong guys mate. Educate yourself.

I'm sorry what ?

No its not.

There is a sociological reason for that. The classical rightist parties have radicalized themselves toward the far right.

Social democrates went the same way and are now the real rightist

With the arrival of Internet and 9/11, the overton windows shifted toward the right drastically in the entire world.

If you are willing to make compromise with racism, sexism or transphobia then yes, you are on the extrem side. Its not the normal and republican side.

Or maybe you are unaware of the reality that is fascism, I've explained clearly how you can, from a simple far right gov, fall into fascism without even noticing it.

We are not throwing the word "fascist" because there is no reason to. We do it because we are informed on the danger of the far right for the institutions and countries.

Yes he is. That's a documented fact.

If you can't see that, you are blind.
AH Great the Man who knew too Little. Hath spoken.
How can you compare Osama to a general who was literally fighting ISIS on the ground? Are you fucking retarded?
I think you're missing the point. Either administration engaging in killing of foreign terrorist leads is not inherently right-wing lol.

You're bringing Trump out of this shell he currently resides in, created after years of GOP establishment bribery, pay-pigging and joint-media coarctation.
Then what does it mean to be far right? What do you mean not out of the ordinary? There has never been a president who has contested the result of an election to the point that there was a riot inside the capitol. If you like his vibes just say so, whatever makes you feel better.
It means to be fascists and Nazis, which has never been present in the US.

I feel great, thank you for the concern :suresure:
I think you're missing the point. Either administration engaging in killing of foreign terrorist leads is not inherently right-wing lol.

You're bringing Trump out of this shell he currently resides in, created after years of GOP establishment bribery, pay-pigging and joint-media coarctation.
Are you this dumb? Sulemani was not a terrorist? Tf are you saying? He was an Iranian government official. It brought us closer to war with them than ever.

For you to be shameless enough to accuse anyone of not knowing about politics when all you do is support a guy that you like based on vibes instead of policy is unbelievable yet extremely predictable.
tell me the American people don’t like Roe v Wade
Again missing the point, social policy of contention needn't be codified into law as you wish it was, especially something as patently divisive as abortion, who's support sees utter loyalty from one set of demographics and indifference at best, to opposition at worst, from another, which here would prefer me not elaborate on

