I'm already in hell mate. Your hell doesn't scare me.

I'm not. Really not. I'm just more aware of some injustices than you are. That's all.

Like you do when I burry you under scientific ressources to debunk your constant BS ?

Dude all that just rings empty. Being aware doesn't mean jackshit. You think it means more than what it is. The world isn't being saved by you, get off that high horse. It's all nothing but fakery and people who need help not letting them believe their delusion. You do all of them a disservice actually.

You bury nobody with that askewed *science*.
*what were the results Mr. Scientists* *trannies are in fact correct* hurr hurr.

Science and Biology says there are 2 Sexes, Male and Female. With an exception, I.E. not the norm, Not standard.

And also your Ze Zim Pronoun and NB is literally the fakest fucking shit out there. Losers making up stupid shit to make themselves feel better. How fucking soft.
You and your *Science* are a disgrace to the human race.
Of course it does ! It associates the meaning that Migrant (who are illegal alien in his book) are animal and ONE OF THEM murdered.

Dude, learn rethoric. And learn how words work in context with each others.

And EVEN if he truly do not mean it (even if it what he says), he still dehumanize a murderer, which IS a fascistic rethoric in itself since it allow anyone to think that murderer are sub humans and therefore do not have the same rights.

Again.. this is how fascists work. I could give you plenty example in the world of today starting with Netanyahou that dehumanize the Palestinian resistance because a large group of them commited war crimes and uses that to justify ANY kind of repression and oppression including the genocide of Palestinian that he associate to the fighters.

Again. Words have meaning. Words have CONTEXT.

You ask me the context without even understanding the context in which the contextual sentence is used in the first place and how it is tied to a racist, antimigrant, and fascistic rethoric.

Let me remind you that just because Trump said that Haitian were eating animals based on nothing but a rumor, those communities are now facing violences, oppression by neoNazis and bomb threats while being scared for their life. JUST BECAUSE OF A FEW WORDS.

A guy literally call those people the hardcore N word on live television. And you are telling me that it is not what he really means ?

Wake the F up.
You can probably barely speak your own language, don't venture into the semantics of languages you don't know. You should educate yourself before braying like a donkey.
The world isn't being saved by you, get off that high horse.
I'm not a savior mate. I'm the one telling you that your ideology will bring you only despair. If you want to be saved, you will have to look around you and within, not for my help.

It's all nothing but fakery and people who need help not letting them believe their delusion. You do all of them a disservice actually.
"bla bla bla I can't stand evidences bla bla bla"

Science and Biology says there are 2 Sexes
Yeah. And noone is saying the contrary Einstein, but you are so focused on telling me that i'm Satan to notice that lol

And also your Ze Zim Pronoun and NB is literally the fakest fucking shit out there.
Well, I hope for you sake that you will never have children who will need to use those pronoun or you will risk to die alone.

You and your *Science* are a disgrace to the human race.
Such a repulsive denial of real consensus.
Although Gallileo probably never used the word "science", You really sound like the Inquisition that he once faced.

You can probably barely speak your own language
Such a nice thought.

don't venture into the semantics of languages you don't know.
You are the King of languages ?

You should educate yourself before braying like a donkey.
All I read here is whining, nothing concrete.
Can you stop roleplaying as a scientist? It's fucking cringe. Please.
Who said I was a scientist ?


I'm giving you scientific SOURCES. I don't need to be a scientist to give you factual data mate. If you can't accept them, just say "I don't accept those sources" or try to debunk them instead of just childishly trying to attack me.