Again. Make the difference between me calling the ACTION and the NATURE.

I'm not calling the foetus a parasite (even if i'm sure some women who live those situation would) I'm calling the ACTION "parasitizing". Nuance.

A foetus is not a baby. It's a foetus. It doesn't feel and it doesn't think.

You could say that it's a POTENTIAL baby.

But you don't override the choices and body of women (and men who transitionned) who wants to abort on a potentiality when you are a good person



I'm taking the occasion of you sayin this to extend the conversation I had with I don't remember who about Meritocracy.

Ableism takes it's root in capitalism AND meritocracy.

As you can see here, Nika thinks that because I don't do anything, I'm therefore "lazy". This is a common ableist projection created by meritocracy. And illutrates what I explained here:


Since I do not have a visible handicap that aligns with the preconception of Nika for handicaped people, I'm therefore not handicaped and since I'm not productive.... It does not matter for them that the process that validated my handicap took 10 month or that a lot of professionnal took the time to analyse my situation. For them I'm "lazy"

Capitalism reenforce the oppression on people like me or others who do not align with the "good" vision of handicaped people.
And it works for poor people, minorities and people in difficulty as well.

This is what meritocracy does.
aren't newborn babies parasitic by definition tho
The whole point of the abortion argument is that people disagree that an early fetus is a person. You can't just state that it is and expect pro choice people to accept your premise
Technically not a fully developed baby but you can miss me with all of that, after two months they basically are babies. Only reason why they do disagree is to facilitate the justification for it.

A foetus is not a baby. It's a foetus. It doesn't feel and it doesn't think.

You could say that it's a POTENTIAL baby.

But you don't override the choices and body of women (and men who transitionned) who wants to abort on a potentiality when you are a good person
I’m not an embryologist but fetuses feel pain at like 7 weeks if I’m not mistaken. If that is remotely the case your whole argument is pretty much moot.

You don’t need to virtue signal. I have no power over their choices, just the ability to call it out for what it is.
aren't newborn babies parasitic by definition tho
I don’t see why not. If he’s going to be consistent.
Whe there is consent for this birth, I would say no. Plus we are out of the body to body relationship. It's more about material ressources in that case.
So a material leech, still a parasite? :lawsigh: This is why the West is cooked.
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Well, I guess you will have to tell that to the council of psychiatrist and psychologist who analysed my situation. You seem to have much more knowledge that them.
You’d likely have more people willing to listen to you from time to time if you didn’t come across as so patronizing to the members here.

It seems like you're using your diagnosed disability as a shield against opposing arguments, rather than engaging in a genuine back-and-forth discussion. It comes across as though you're treating your opinion as if it's equivalent to the laws of a discussion about whether an unborn baby still in the mother's womb is an actual human being or just a parasite that needed to be rid of.

Since the baby has the potential to be born and grow into a person like any of us here, he/she should be viewed as an actual human being, deserving of respect and care.

Not as a mere parasite whose entire biological function is to attach to a host and drain resources until the host dies.
Not as a mere parasite whose entire biological function is to attach to a host and drain resources until the host dies.
The lengths they go to is wild af. Calling an unborn baby in the womb a parasite has to be one of the crazier takes I’ve heard:crazwhat:but why am I even surprised? This is the moral decadence of the proponents for abortion anyways, where you can abort after casual sex and random hook ups with losers. Sad reality. The West is cooked.
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Anyways I think I drank more caffeine than I am used to, back to work.
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The lengths they go to is wild af. Calling an unborn baby in the womb a parasite has to be one of the crazier takes I’ve heard:crazwhat:but why am I even surprised? This is the moral decadence of the proponents for abortion anyways, where you can abort after casual sex and random hook ups with losers. Sad reality. The West is cooked.
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Anyways I think I drank more caffeine than I am used to, back to work.
how bored are you??
Calling a fetus a parasite is WILD. People really do be saying anything to in a sad attempt to morally justify killing babies. Crazy times. Abortion is mostly pursued due to the consequence of copious amounts of casual sex, licentiousness and degeneracy.

The stats are pretty clear on that:
Your source doesn't prove your statement whatsoever. What, you want society to return to outright infanticide like in the good old days? Will you ever grow some spine and stop putting the past on a pedestal?

Ableism takes it's root in capitalism AND meritocracy.
As much as I'm annoyed by the tiresome meritocracy topic on this thread I have to say this: individuals who act like mental health doesn't exist are very likely to have poor mental health themselves and are in full denial. Standard statements include for example "I don't have depression, I can still go to work" and "choosing to be traumatised is their own fault" and the likes.

So do birds. And plants. Your point is what again?

So a material leech, still a parasite? :lawsigh: This is why the West is cooked.
Doesn't your own religion demand giving aid? 5 pillars of Islam telling you something?? All you're about is muh the west this the west that, can you bring up real arguments and stop showing your anti western bias for whatever reason?
Your source doesn't prove your statement whatsoever. What, you want society to return to outright infanticide like in the good old days? Will you ever grow some spine and stop putting the past on a pedestal?

As much as I'm annoyed by the tiresome meritocracy topic on this thread I have to say this: individuals who act like mental health doesn't exist are very likely to have poor mental health themselves and are in full denial. Standard statements include for example "I don't have depression, I can still go to work" and "choosing to be traumatised is their own fault" and the likes.

So do birds. And plants. Your point is what again?

Doesn't your own religion demand giving aid? 5 pillars of Islam telling you something?? All you're about is muh the west this the west that, can you bring up real arguments and stop showing your anti western bias for whatever reason?
Trolling about abortion is not appropriate.
Your source doesn't prove your statement whatsoever. What, you want society to return to outright infanticide like in the good old days? Will you ever grow some spine and stop putting the past on a pedestal?
Larping real hard as a white knight here, couldn’t get any cringier :jay-he:

So over 95% are elective meaning there is no health complication, no threat to the mother’s health and no rape, yet you think that has nothing to do with people engaging in casual sex and hook ups? Don’t be stupid.
So do birds. And plants. Your point is what again?
Wow, so babies in the womb are no different than animals to you.
We really got dudes here calling unborn babies parasites and comparing them to animals. Unreal.
Doesn't your own religion demand giving aid? 5 pillars of Islam telling you something?? All you're about is muh the west this the west that, can you bring up real arguments and stop showing your anti western bias for whatever reason?
Mans can’t even read. I was refuting Logiko who was implying that children could still be considered parasites from a material perspective, what does that have to do with giving aid?
As a westerner myself I can take qualms with issues in the West, simple as that.
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Your source doesn't prove your statement whatsoever. What, you want society to return to outright infanticide like in the good old days? Will you ever grow some spine and stop putting the past on a pedestal?

As much as I'm annoyed by the tiresome meritocracy topic on this thread I have to say this: individuals who act like mental health doesn't exist are very likely to have poor mental health themselves and are in full denial. Standard statements include for example "I don't have depression, I can still go to work" and "choosing to be traumatised is their own fault" and the likes.

So do birds. And plants. Your point is what again?

Doesn't your own religion demand giving aid? 5 pillars of Islam telling you something?? All you're about is muh the west this the west that, can you bring up real arguments and stop showing your anti western bias for whatever reason?
solis I just hope you're trolling
So over 95% are elective meaning there is no health complication, no threat to the mother’s health and no rape, yet you think that has nothing to do with people engaging in casual sex and hook ups? Don’t be stupi
Elective could mean anything, you are the one projecting your personal biases.
Wow, so babies in the womb are no different than animals to you.
We really got dudes here calling unborn babies parasites and comparing them to animals. Unreal.
Try better gaslighting attempts please🙄whi
solis I just hope you're trolling
Which part are you referring to?
I’m not an embryologist but fetuses feel pain at like 7 weeks if I’m not mistaken. If that is remotely the case your whole argument is pretty much moot.

You don’t need to virtue signal. I have no power over their choices, just the ability to call it out for what it is.
No. The consensus is that the foetus starts to feel pain around the 24th week.

Still not a parasite. Action =/= Nature
The foetus when unwanted is ACTING like a parasite it's not one.

You’d likely have more people willing to listen to you from time to time if you didn’t come across as so patronizing to the members here.
If you don't want to be patronized, don't jump on a subject you have no clue about in front of someone who is affected by it and therefore knows a lot about.

It seems like you're using your diagnosed disability as a shield against opposing arguments
Yes. Because I'm being call lazy. Again. I wouldn't need to do that if I wasn't attacked personnaly. Don't try to reverse the responsability here.

It comes across as though you're treating your opinion as if it's equivalent to the laws of a discussion about whether an unborn baby still in the mother's womb is an actual human being or just a parasite that needed to be rid of.
My words have nothing to do with it. It's pure logic. I get that people don't understand logic but I'm not responsible for that.

The fact that an UNWANTED baby is acting like a parasite from the perspective of the mother is not something debatable. It's a logical fact.

Since the baby has the potential to be born and grow into a person like any of us here, he/she should be viewed as an actual human being, deserving of respect and care.
A foetus does not feel and does not think. It's only a POTENTIAL human being. And I care more about people who are already living than potentialities.

In other words. Respect the choices of women to abort.

Calling an unborn baby in the womb a parasite has to be one of the crazier takes I’ve heard
I guess you never had to face an unwanted pregnency personnally, right ?

As much as I'm annoyed by the tiresome meritocracy topic on this thread
I know it's tiresome. But it's at the hearth of every problems. So it must be prioritized.

Standard statements include for example "I don't have depression, I can still go to work" and "choosing to be traumatised is their own fault"
Yeah.. And usuall, they end up in burn out.

I was refuting Logiko who was implying that children could still be considered parasites from a material perspective
You refuted nothing. It's a fact. unwanted foetus ACT like parasite. They are not ones, they act like it.
It's not comparable for you because you don't have to live the situation.

It's perfectly comparable for women who have to live with it.

The action is exactly what it is. A parasitizing. A overtaking of ressources from the body without consent.
Parasitizing requires them to be from different species!

Thats what that word means bro
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nah you're asking way too much
I guess
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The whole point of the abortion argument is that people disagree that an early fetus is a person. You can't just state that it is and expect pro choice people to accept your premise
Never mind the "person" aspect, some pro choice people literally go so far that they say the fetus isnt alive (scientifically ridiculous) or that its a parasite (scientifically ridiculous).
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and men who transitionned
Those mofos cant get pregnant
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