Trump calling legal American Immigrants "animals" and "not human"
But "He's not racist, just honest."
Funny how the white Immigrants from Europe were the ones who made sex slavery legal in America, and traded black children to be abused on every physical level by gross older men.
They say "things were different back then" then "make America great again". So... they want to go back to child sex slavery? Back to when things were "different back then"? Make things "different" "again"?
The fact that they can't admit to you that slavery was wrong in the first place tells you everything you need to know.
That's what the kids in Gaza are:
US, European, and Israeli slaves, ready to be murdered with a big Thumps Up from Biden or Trump.
US slavery never ended: it became an international enterprise.
Who made your phone? Do you care, if it was a slave?