Europe: "This guy did a bad thing."

Europe: "So we're going to do something way, wary worse and act like it's not our fault because of the other dude."

People who still trust the US and European powers astound me.

How many lies do you need?
It's important to note that there are different forces in Europe. There's those guys who are looking for any possible excuse to encroach on the citizens' rights to privacy but at the same time there's a strong presence of consumer & data protection advocacy activists.

Europe: "So we're going to do something way, wary worse and act like it's not our fault because of the other dude."
In all honesty, before I give up on my privacy rights out of the very potential possibility that it might prevent one or two crimes (Even against myself) I'd rather die😂😂
If we're not careful EU is turning into USA 2.0, only complete with a patriot act equivalent.
No. It's simply the first time that I use it in a context where you understand the importance of its usage. The problem is not me using the word wrongly, it's you not understanding why I use it in other context :)

I have been witnessing the gradual appropriation of the word patriarchy by adherents of certain political leanings over the last years and no, y'all tend to use this term incorrectly.
The word patriarchy has its origins in ethnology/anthropology and refers to how societies are organized. There are patriarchal societies and matriarchal societies for example. ''THE patriarchy'' that you guys like to talk about (either as a boogeyman for the left or to spite the left foe the right) does simply not exist.
Guys, if you care about the issue of money in politics and how that affects how politicians vote on policy then I recommend you watch this interview of David Sirota (Journalist and producer of Don't Look Up)

A very insightful history lesson of how the supreme court allowed corporations to pour millions into political campaigns in the 1970s which basically legalized bribery in the United States.

Guys, if you care about the issue of money in politics and how that affects how politicians vote on policy then I recommend you watch this interview of David Sirota (Journalist and producer of Don't Look Up)

A very insightful history lesson of how the supreme court allowed corporations to pour millions into political campaigns in the 1970s which basically legalized bribery in the United States.

Y'all's country is on the verge of feudalism. Fight it now before it's too late (and no, Donnie is not part of the solution, neither is the afd in Germany)
I know you are aware.The part in brackets was a general statement. And don't forget you are as much of an American as the maga guys. You are in this together whether you want it or not.
I'm aware. But I consider MAGAts to be too far gone at this point (at least 80% of them) which means they are my political enemy. They are in a cult of personality and they're willing to sacrifice everything for him.

They'd make him king in a heartbeat if they could.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
It's important to note that there are different forces in Europe. There's those guys who are looking for any possible excuse to encroach on the citizens' rights to privacy but at the same time there's a strong presence of consumer & data protection advocacy activists.

In all honesty, before I give up on my privacy rights out of the very potential possibility that it might prevent one or two crimes (Even against myself) I'd rather die😂😂
If we're not careful EU is turning into USA 2.0, only complete with a patriot act equivalent.

I have been witnessing the gradual appropriation of the word patriarchy by adherents of certain political leanings over the last years and no, y'all tend to use this term incorrectly.
The word patriarchy has its origins in ethnology/anthropology and refers to how societies are organized. There are patriarchal societies and matriarchal societies for example. ''THE patriarchy'' that you guys like to talk about (either as a boogeyman for the left or to spite the left foe the right) does simply not exist.
Honestly, the worst part of it is that there are a lot of lawmakers and activists in the EU that really want to protect consumers and their data. Seeing assholes take advantage of that kindness to try to use those same laws/concepts to attack the public is so infuriating.

Currently, the EU is clearly trying to attack online speech in order to aid Israel's genocide of Palestine.

This is another Vietnam/Iraq moment, where everyone saying "uhhhhh, why are we just paying to make things worse?" in the media gets vilified.

US has had the spy tools to prevent the vast majority of the mass shootings in the country for the last two decades, and has just let them happen for political purposes.

I hope you have your freedoms protected from these liars. We're struggling over here, too.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
You mean the 3rd rate face recognition software that is notorious for misidentifying people of color?😂🙃
No, the FBI literally going "oh, this kid wants to shoot up his school... meh" and then letting it happen.

The amount of school-shooting the government could have prevented by actually monitoring and arresting students making shooting threats is so sad.

The government lets it happen, and then blames guns.

Hell, they'd rather blame guns than the fat cops standing outside the schools keeping others from going in (shout out to the cops that try, there have been multiple shootings in the last year where the cops went above and beyond).

Government can't make money off of arresting schools shooters before they do it, so the people making the decisions don't care.

Same FBI that's protecting Epstein's Client List.
No, the FBI literally going "oh, this kid wants to shoot up his school... meh" and then letting it happen
Oh, it's similar here. Nearly every terrorist or shooter turns out to be known and sometimes even under surveillance by authorities.
Government can't make money off of arresting schools shooters before they do it, so the people making the decisions don't care.
They don't just don't care, they are looking away on purpose.
y'all tend to use this term incorrectly.
No. You just tend to not understand the meaning of the word.

Patriarchy is a domination system studied by researchers. It's not just a feminism buzzword but an actual subject of study. And this is those studies that feminists are using to militate.

The word patriarchy has its origins in ethnology/anthropology and refers to how societies are organized.
Yes. "Originate" is the good term. A term can originate from one place and in reality be used to describe something highly related.

There are patriarchal societies and matriarchal societies for example.

''THE patriarchy'' that you guys like to talk about (either as a boogeyman for the left or to spite the left foe the right) does simply not exist.
That's what you think because either you don't know or refuse to aknowledge the reality of that domination system. Scientist disagree and activist as well.

Patriarchy is not "a boogyman" or a "buzz word". It's a real system of domination of men over women. Not just the simplistic organization of the society with men in power.

You should read some sociology. The reason why you don't understand this issue is because you still see the world in an idealistic sense and not a materialistic one. You refuse to see the structuration of society and still think that people are the problem.