I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to do here. What are you even trying to convey with this? You got Trump claiming to be Christian when he isn't. We got Biden claiming he loves the black community despite his racist track record. But Kamala's race is such a big deal?

I'm so indifferent to such an inconsequential detail that I'm a little baffled at how strongly people act about it.
If you cannot understand, We have nothing to discuss, and quite frankly I'm dissapointed in you at this point.
I genuinely don't understand what you're trying to do here. What are you even trying to convey with this? You got Trump claiming to be Christian when he isn't. We got Biden claiming he loves the black community despite his racist track record. But Kamala's race is such a big deal?

I'm so indifferent to such an inconsequential detail that I'm a little baffled at how strongly people act about it.
Don't lie, yk what he's trying to do.
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If you cannot understand, We have nothing to discuss, and quite frankly I'm dissapointed in you at this point.
We all know it's just race baiting bullshit, and you fall for it because you don't know better, you're an ignorant zealot with no proper education, don't pretend to understand anything that you say or do.
Don't lie, yk what he's trying to do.
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We all know it's just race baiting bullshit, and you fall for it because you don't know better, you're an ignorant zealot with no proper education, don't pretend to understand anything that you say or do.
GD the ignorant one here is you.
You don't shut up like a rabid dog.
Democrats are the race baiters, We seek the truth not lies. Sorry if you can't handle that, everything you know is a lie. You attack me by questioning my "education" what low tier crap. You give Zorowankers a better rep by being worse than they are.
GD the ignorant one here is you.
You don't shut up like a rabid dog.
Democrats are the race baiters, We seek the truth not lies. Sorry if you can't handle that, everything you know is a lie. You attack me by questioning my "education" what low tier crap. You give Zorowankers a better rep by being worse than they are.
LMAO! You literally write like you barely understand the English language, either you never learnt how to properly write, or you’re simply not a native english speaker.

I only question your education because you literally speak in political slogans, you don't even understand what you're saying.

And no retard, you’re not interested in the truth. You’re here questioning your political opponents racial identity knowing full well what her background is just to label them as liars. You will contort and stretch the truth in order to fit what your god king tells you.
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LMAO! You literally write like you barely understand the English language, either you never learnt how to properly write, or you’re simply not a native english speaker.

I only question your education because you literally speak in political slogans, you don't even understand what you're saying.

And no retard, you’re not interested in the truth. You’re here questioning your political opponents racial identity knowing full well what her background is just to label them as liars. You will contort and stretch the truth in order to fit what your god king tells you.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. You claim I'm so terrible at English, That's such a laughable notion, Bro get some new material holy shit.
You whole problem is you think Trump is this awful ass dude, You still couldn't be any more wrong. Sift through the fake media news and dig deeper.
I understand perfectly, perhaps you just don't know as well as you think, Either way you are way to judgemental, We're on the fucking internet you blockhead. This isn't a English class where you're grading by how well your English writing skills are, Seems to me that you try to get a sense of superiority in this regard, Complex much?
I think I asked a question that can't be answered.
Your question is asking me to flip on my morals and ethics and my viewpoints. Understand?
I cannot reconcile what the Democrats etc are doing. You hold another worldview different than I.
As for some others, Perhaps the messages don't come across as well here to be interpreted accurately.
The lame ass rhetoric that we see Trump as some *god king*, *Vomit* Don't make me laugh, Such a disingenuous disgusting bad faith thing to say.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. You claim i'm so terrible at English, That's such a laughable notion, Bro get some new material holy shit.
You whole problem is you think Trump is this awful ass dude, You still couldn't be any more wrong. Sift through the fake media news and dig deeper.
I understand perfectly, perhaps you just don't know as well as you think, Either way you are way to judgemental, We're on the fucking internet you blockhead.
Your definition of digging deeper is Alex Jones and Benny Johnson and race-baiting conspiracy theories. You don't dig deep my guy, you rely on mainstream conspiracy theories and confirmation bias. You always dodge questions when anyone dares to question your crazy statements and your lack of basic general knowledge.

And yes dude, your writing skills are horrible, Solis is much more coherent at the moment of connecting his ideas in written form and has a much richer vocabulary than you do. He is not even a native English speaker, and he still has better writing skills than you Embarrassing :lulz:

You lack argumentation skills as well. Your best comebacks always boil down to two things: either you respond by trying to drop anime-esque one-liners, which is honestly hilarious, or you simply go "nuh uh." It doesn't take a language professor to discern how dumb you really are. You don't really understand the real economic and societal issues that have been ailing this country for the last 100 years, and you never will because all you care about is culture war bullshit that rots your brain more than it already is.
Your question is asking me to flip on my morals and ethics and my viewpoints. Understand?
I cannot reconcile what the Democrats etc are doing. You hold another worldview different than I.
As for some others, Perhaps the messages don't come across as well here to be interpreted accurately.
The lame ass rhetoric that we see Trump as some *god king*, *Vomit* Don't make me laugh, Such a disingenuous disgusting bad faith thing to say.
Yeah the god king is actually Barron.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
If you cannot understand, We have nothing to discuss, and quite frankly I'm dissapointed in you at this point.
Disappointed how? I know what your point is about Kamala, but why the hyper focus on the gremlin's race? It's nothing new.

I think it should've obvious a long time ago that I don't give a shit about the Republicans or the democrats.

Don't lie, yk what he's trying to do.

We all know it's just race baiting bullshit, and you fall for it because you don't know better, you're an ignorant zealot with no proper education, don't pretend to understand anything that you say or do.
I know his point is about Kamala not being what she claimed, but still don't understand why he responds to me in such a way and cares THAT much about it. A politician lying about something they're not? Politician 101