Blast need to work on an english translation OR think about opening an english channel.

We are so much ahead in term of political awereness in France (at least in front of the US), I think it's vital for us to spread some teachings.

Masta Yoda,

Happy to see you here again @NAMELESS I am,
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The worstgen council shall assemble again, hmm?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy

Did you know that i hate people? I've been watching some videos of people freed from torture prisons reunite with their families and it's a sight to see. They are so damn happy and rightfully so. But nobody knows what happens now that the islamists are in charge, things might get worse or just as bad, or better for some groups and worse for others, thousands are fleeing because they fear the islamists. Why are humans never at peace? When one tyrant is gone the next is just waiting around the corner. Peace never lasts and hope is in vain.
And humankind will keep existing like this until the end when we all managed to kill each other. It's so sad.
There is life beyond this.

We're just frogs in a small pond, in the universe.

This isn't our full existence, it's a tiny fraction of it.

That doesn't make the suffering any less tolerable, but, it's not infinite. We're going through a horrible period, we'll overcome it.

If life was weak enough to lose to these idiots, we would have died a long time ago.

Nah, we're still alive cause we're stubborn, spiteful pieces of shit that refuse to give in.

Don't lament your life. You're still alive because you're stronger than the trash that wants us dead.

Even if peace never lasts, war is short, and can be avoided. Battles, hatred, racism, are unavoidable. We CAN avoid war. It's just really hard to do so, and we've been taught to accept war is inevitable by assholes for way too long.

If their war was greater than our peace, we wouldn't be posting on this forum. We'd be dead, or we wouldn't have been born to begin with.

The reason we can argue about the future today, is because people in the past chose peace, over war, so we could have a future. Because people chose to march into the concentration camps, and help the people who survived.

Don't abandon the future they gave us, even if the present is full of stupid assholes.

Even if it only saved a single child's soul, their sacrifices mattered.

Don't become what you hate.
Sure. People who follow science and field realities are "distording" reality..

I will give you an example of "Distorting" reality, using the name of science, done by scientists.

During Covid, plenty of Scientists in many countries, I can provide you verbatim and direct quotes, made a variety of claims:
  • Claiming that the Moderna (or another one) was perfect for teenage girls. Two months later, risks of thrombosis arose among teenage girls with that vaccine and THE SAME scientist claimed that it was crazy to give it to girls, openly contradicting themselves
  • Stuff like the "green pass", we had plenty of government officials and scientists everywhere in europe claiming that WITH THE VACCINE YOU DO NOT PASS THE VIRUS.
Should we distrust science? Yes. Science is made to be disproven, that's why we should distrust it. Because if I doubt, I can check and verify that it is true. Not because people say it, but because I can prove it.

Just to prove the mentality, they made an app (which failed since day 0), to check if you were in contact with people with covid. They called it IMMUNI, like being immune.
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Oh sure it's always "we Follow the Science etc" Except when it doesn't conform to your agenda. Then you try to deflect what's actually true. See that's the problem with you and your ilk.
He would say that he follows science, but if I ask him how many variants are normal in any species for genes XX and XY he will say that it's only two?
Imagine not having faith in humanity because of the people who really try to save it..
Here comes the messianic bullshido again..:seriously:
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Perfect examples of why humankind will always go to war. 2 crazy ass culture warriors.
And here we have an instigator that makes sure shits always hit the fan.
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I will give you an example of "Distorting" reality, using the name of science, done by scientists.

During Covid, plenty of Scientists in many countries, I can provide you verbatim and direct quotes, made a variety of claims:
  • Claiming that the Moderna (or another one) was perfect for teenage girls. Two months later, risks of thrombosis arose among teenage girls with that vaccine and THE SAME scientist claimed that it was crazy to give it to girls, openly contradicting themselves
  • Stuff like the "green pass", we had plenty of government officials and scientists everywhere in europe claiming that WITH THE VACCINE YOU DO NOT PASS THE VIRUS.
Should we distrust science? Yes. Science is made to be disproven, that's why we should distrust it. Because if I doubt, I can check and verify that it is true. Not because people say it, but because I can prove it.

Just to prove the mentality, they made an app (which failed since day 0), to check if you were in contact with people with covid. They called it IMMUNI, like being immune.
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He would say that he follows science, but if I ask him how many variants are normal in any species for genes XX and XY he will say that it's only two?
I only got the jab cause i was told i wouldn't transmit covid to anyone. The media, the doctors and politicians lied to us all. "Who watchs the watchmen". I don't give a fuck about saving anyone. I just want to have my freedom respected.
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Oh sure it's always "we Follow the Science etc" Except when it doesn't conform to your agenda. Then you try to deflect what's actually true. See that's the problem with you and your ilk.
Their tatics is weaponizing psychology. They gaslight people into silence and submission.
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Here comes the messianic bullshido again..:seriously:
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And here we have an instigator that makes sure shits always hit the fan.
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I only got the jab cause i was told i wouldn't transmit covid to anyone. The media, the doctors and politicians lied to us all. "Who watchs the watchmen". I don't give a fuck about saving anyone. I just want to have my freedom respected.
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Their tatics is weaponizing psychology. They gaslight people into silence and submission.
I won't be cowed by them. Mods are saving them from my usual words.
Perfect examples of why humankind will always go to war. 2 crazy ass culture warriors.
Oh yes, because you are above that.

You really love to stire chaos, right ?

Oh sure it's always "we Follow the Science etc" Except when it doesn't conform to your agenda.
It's always conform to my agenda mate. You are projecting your own desillusions in front of science.

I'm not the one denying the legitimacy of entire scientific fields...



During Covid, plenty of Scientists in many countries, I can provide you verbatim and direct quotes, made a variety of claims:
  • Claiming that the Moderna (or another one) was perfect for teenage girls. Two months later, risks of thrombosis arose among teenage girls with that vaccine and THE SAME scientist claimed that it was crazy to give it to girls, openly contradicting themselves
  • Stuff like the "green pass", we had plenty of government officials and scientists everywhere in europe claiming that WITH THE VACCINE YOU DO NOT PASS THE VIRUS.
You are confusing science (and the scientific process) with random scientists.

Random scientist are individuals with their own biases and blind spot, they are not "science". So no, you should not trust every scientists that speak but the consensus.

When I'm talking about science, I'm not talking about randos, but peer reviewed researches and consensus.

So stop trying to create a strawman.

Here comes the messianic bullshido again..:seriously:
Well.. you are supporting a guy who is supporting a genocide so.....

Oh yes, because you are above that.

You really love to stire chaos, right ?

It's always conform to my agenda mate. You are projecting your own desillusions in front of science.

I'm not the one denying the legitimacy of entire scientific fields...



You are confusing science (and the scientific process) with random scientists.

Random scientist are individuals with their own biases and blind spot, they are not "science". So no, you should not trust every scientists that speak but the consensus.

When I'm talking about science, I'm not talking about randos, but peer reviewed researches and consensus.

So stop trying to create a strawman.

Well.. you are supporting a guy who is supporting a genocide so.....

What strawman, are you stupid?
I used 2 examples of very accredited people that WERE the consensus.
Are you reading what i write?
I used 2 examples of very accredited people that WERE the consensus.
There was a consensus at the time : Vaccines are necessary to protect yourself from sever case of COVID.

What were not, on the other hand, are sayings that Vaccines stop transmission or that Vaccine are without side effects. In fact scientist at the time were sceptical about a lot of things and did not draw conclusions.

It's politics and missinformed people or scientists who did.

But to know that, you need to actually do the work of looking beyond missinformation:
There was a consensus at the time : Vaccines are necessary to protect yourself from sever case of COVID.

What were not, on the other hand, are sayings that Vaccines stop transmission or that Vaccine are without side effects. In fact scientist at the time were sceptical about a lot of things and did not draw conclusions.

It's politics and missinformed people or scientists who did.

But to know that, you need to actually do the work of looking beyond missinformation:
Ok but those politics and scientists were speaking in TV and making laws and whoever contradicted them was depicted as a crazy science hating truth denier.
Read my examples, those events HAPPENED and the scientific consensus was that the GREEN PASS was a necessity because it will STOP THE SPREAD.

Source for the head of a medical departmwnt + a guy that was considered THE expert saying that the Vaccine was good for young girls:

This is not a local doctor, but one of the "leaders". He created the consensus, and thanks to people like you who blindly follow a lot of girls died for thrombosis.
Ok but those politics and scientists were speaking in TV and making laws and whoever contradicted them was depicted as a crazy science hating truth denier.
I don't think you understand what I said.

I said that people at the time were sceptical about the fact that the Vaccine reduced transmission, not that it was not necessary to implement cautionnary measures !

It WAS necessary. And you know why ? Because at the end, we KNOW that the vaccine reduces transmission. It's a scientific FACT.

So green pass ? Necessary

The vaccine is not only good for young people, it's good for any people with lower defensive barrieres.

As for your example, risk of Thrombosis are rare. Vaccine can have side effects, but those effects are minimal in the risk / benefit balance.
I don't think you understand what I said.

I said that people at the time were sceptical about the fact that the Vaccine reduced transmission, not that it was not necessary to implement cautionnary measures !

It WAS necessary. And you know why ? Because at the end, we KNOW that the vaccine reduces transmission. It's a scientific FACT.

So green pass ? Necessary

The vaccine is not only good for young people, it's good for any people with lower defensive barrieres.

As for your example, risk of Thrombosis are rare. Vaccine can have side effects, but those effects are minimal in the risk / benefit balance.
My friend, they were not that rare among girls, to the point itngot banned from being prescribed to them.
And the experts in italy were saying that it STOPS then virus, not slows it down.
Please read what i write and answer that, not other things