You see, idealists usually think that far rightists are reactionnaries because we - radical leftists - are extremely progressive in the sense that, when we see someone being racist we say "hey, stop being racist". Or, we consider that to change people, we must first change the environment that influence people.
These two extrems and authoritarist progressive behaviors seems to be the reasons - for idealists - why reactionnaries exist, why people are saying racist or transphobic things and why people are voting for Donald Trump.
You see, with this lens, it's the radical leftists like me who create people like you.
Reactionnaries are not far right because they are filled with fear, science denialism and idealism, but because WE - radical leftists - are being mean when we point out those people's oppressive behaviors.
With this lens, people who think leftists are a cancer or should be killed are the unfortunate products of our bad behavior.