The mother killing the foetus ? What are you even saying ? We are talking about abortion here, try to keep up
Yes Illogiko, abortion isn't a mom killing her fetus...and knowledge isn't truth, and ethics aren't morals, and 2 + 2 = 5
Pop quiz: what color is the sky?
yes, it is ethical necessity to allow the mother to abort as the death or the suffering of the mother will be much more problematic than a foetus without pain or electrical signal
It isn't ethical to murder anyone, regardless if they can feel pain or not. You keep using this insane "does it feel pain" logic after I already refuted it with the person-in-a-coma argument.
Yes, it is possible for a Nazi to turn into a RadFem in one night, it is quite literally possible lmao.
Is it likely? No. But there is no causal impossibility with, say, me sitting down with a Nazi for a night and talking him out of Nazism and into Feminism lmao.
Again, - and this is because you are not a leftist it seems - to become an anarchist (and I mean an full on materialistic and feminist anarchist) requires a vision of the world a lot different that being a Nazi. This can't be achieved with a realization in this case
It's not likely, but it is possible. Why is it impossible?
TOO MUCH informations and an amount of understanding and knoledge that is not possible in a one time or even a two time step
Not possible or not likely? Lol
Going to keep asking you this because you don't know the difference between something being very unlikely vs literally impossible, like 2 + 2 equalling 5
You can have instant realization and a way to change instantly a PART of your vision of the world (or shaken the entirerity) but you will never change instantly
If a criminal regrets, and intends no longer to commit murder after being threatened with execution or long prison time, is this not a change?
very quickly. But even in this case, it will not happen instantly
Ok. Criminals can have a change of heart quickly after hearing news of their execution. Lol
It is impossible because there is absolutely 0 reasons in your experience or genetic or physical constrain that could create a choice to let the person die
You are now changing the hypothetical. The hypothetical does not assume the person desires to do anything in particular.
Obviously, it's impossible to simultaneously will one thing and another, that's a logical contradiction. It's possible for me to want to tie my shoe, then to not tie my shoe, but not will "both" at the same time.
The very fact that the person is given 2 options
implies an ability to choose. What you've listed are just factors that make such a choice more easy for one option over the other
If the person you love the most was in danger of imminent death, that there is no conflict between you and this person, that your mind was not altered in any way, that you only had to push a button to save them and that there was no physical or individual constrains preventing you to do it. In what case would you NOT do it ?
This should prove me right or wrong. If you find a scenario where you would not do it, then the discussion should become more interesting. You are the proof.
Is this supposed to be a "gatcha" moment? Again, the human will can be extremely pressured to do x over y, but not eliminated entirely. The fact that I am given a choice is proof of free will
This example is just the will being pressured to do one thing, but you can't prove it's eliminated entirely as opposed to just being extremely pressured
Change - as I explained previously tho - would take time in those cases. Always
Okay. But this time does not have a minimum, so the criminal could change over time - a very short period of time. Nothing contradictory there
No. It can happen, but not instantly and not in a prison without an access to knowledge or a way to create a fundamental empathic understanding of the world
Okay. So it can't instantly happen, but it can happen within a short period of time with no minimum, so it could happen theoretically in as little as a day, in theory.
To change in an instant into a non dangerous person, I repeat that, the person would need to have access IN AN INSTANT to a mass of informations and understanding that it is just not possible to give at such speed and even less possible in prison
It's unlikely, but possible. A person is nondangerous insomuch as they are unlikely to cause harm. Someone could instantly decide not to cause harm anymore, in theory.
It's just unlikely.
Your vision, on the other hand, is idealistic. It's not based on reality but what you would like reality to be
Is saying 2+2=4, reality as I like to be? Or reality?
Extreme change is possible, but never instant unless trauma. I say that because it's simply the logical way to view change. Of course I have no data to make you understand that, but it's just what happens.
And no data would be needed because I'm making a conceptual argument, not an empirical one LMAO
Yes, it is possible and it is possible with a short period of time, short being a subjective and undefined length of time. What is the minimum amount of time literally possible for someone to make extreme change in the context of a criminal who is dangerous?
A month? A week?
Extrem change is a change so radical that it transforms you into something completely opposite to what you were. This is impossible if you do not rewrite the entirerity of your THOUSANDS of vision of the world. This kind of change is LONG, it can't happen in one day. it would create such a trauma that it would kill the person
Someone can be radicalized by one truth. You can turn a kid into a radical by showing them a single piece of information, such as a crime statistic. They're now a radical rightwinger
You can, then, show them another piece of information which contradicts that. Now they're a radical leftist
So it sounds to me like since everyone's formation differs in it's foundation, some people may take more steps to turn into the "opposite" worldview, some may take less. Some may take only one step as in the example I gave
If you have data showing me that people have been instantly changed (and I mean in less than a minute) radically, then go ahead, show me
You fucking idiot you just denied being an empiricist and then asked for data which would change your mind
Hey, if it was literally
impossible, then how could a piece of data change your mind? Could a piece of data make 2+2=5 (an actual impossibility), ever correct?