I don’t live in a dream land. The natives quickly conceded to the U.S government once they realize there was no way to win and assimilated pretty seemingly. If these comparisons were even remotely the same Hamas wouldn’t exist
We are not talking about native americans (who did resist), but Palestinian. Not the same culture.
I don’t think you understand the words you using there.
I am not being idealistic, in fact you are. What I am being is pragmatic. I understand the situation from both parties and try to come with the best solution for BOTH of them. If neither want to live with one another then giving them separate countries is the pragmatic solution. Both living under one is the idealistic one.
There is nothing pragmatic about what you are saying. And that the BIGGEST problem and the reason why there is so much problems in the world today.
People started to confuse pragmatic reason with authoritative ones.
This is a big problem on the right. They take their values as a pragmatic vision of the world but it is actually the most idealize vision possible about human social relationships and human sociology.
You vision, just like theirs, is not based on fact. It's based on the belief that "human be hating eachothers". This is primitive thinking, in the sence that this is an idealistic vision of the world were relationships are directed by affects rather than the material vision of the world. It's the belief that what drives us is our will and our emotions and not our material reality.
This is why I'm telling you that you approach is idealistic. You do not see the bigger picture and you confuse my vision of peace with a naive one. But in reality, you are the naive one.
When I'm telling you that we must push for a one state solution, it means that we must collectively push for the country to be rebuild on systemic HEALTHY material basis. Once those basis will be met and once the material conditions of Palestinian AND Israelian will be bettered, you will see peace arrive very quickly.
The hard part is not peace. It will be easy. The hard part is creating a system that will benefit BOTH party equally and create a country of freedom.
This is the hard part and this is the realitic solution to create REAL structural peace.
Yeah no, I’m not really into western nations forcing ethnic groups together. You could argue that’s a key reason why the middle east is a mess to begin with.
Who is talking about western nations ? I'm talking about the international community here. THis means ALL nations, not just the west.
Unless you have an idea to create a two state solution that will benefit EQUALLY both nation, you better start thinking about this solution because you will rapidily see the inefficiency of your solution.
Because what you do not understand is that the problem is not only in the inexistence of Palestine, but the system of Israel itself. A two state solution will create a situation where a part of the people will be closed off from the rest (Palestinians are in Israel too). And since Israel is an appartheid and an ethnostate, this will lead to a situation with major oppressions of Palestinians and other arabs communities in Israel itself, thus creating tensions with other countries and the cycle restart. (it's already the case in Israel btw)
What we need is to destroy the system and rebuild it from scratch.
This means a NEW country containing BOTH Palestinian and Israelians.
For that, we need for both nations to create an equal system under international guidance. A system that must become a symbol of diplomacy.
This has the potential to change the world.