So where does this end? Is every product you own made ethically? For example if you own a mobile phone you do realize they’re likely made at some factory with child labor? What about your clothes?
It ends at your choice.

Meaning by that that you can't really stop using a phone or always aquire product ethically in our current connected society without harming your own life. In short, you don't have a choice.

It's not the same for such a product as a video game. You can do without and you can do without paying the toxic people behind it.

Simple. It's end at your choice. If you can choose to do without a product without ruining your quality of life, you should be able to make the right descision on your purchase.
It ends at your choice.

Meaning by that that you can't really stop using a phone or always aquire product ethically in our current connected society without harming your own life.
what? You can totally live a normal life without an mobile phone. That is a luxury, not a necessity.

By your own philosophy you will need to throw your phone away or you are pro child labor.

edit: Also what about other forms of media like rap? a lot of rap is made by people who often come from criminal lifestyles and glorify violence through their art
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I dont care if toriyama is a nazi or kishimoto is one
I dont like those shows because of that nor do harry potter fans like the game cause it's made by a transphobe or whatever

they like it cause it's a media property
they enjoy

And if it ever comes out anything anyone who makes shit im into is bad person
i dont give a fuck cause media is not enjoyed because of a person makes but because of the content had


Its amazing to me that Hogwarts Legacy has become such a hot topic of debate when it such an incredibly dull game. People are biting each others throats out over a 5/10. Its just sad
Wait how did Hogwarts legacy end up in Political controversial discussion.
This is harry potter game controversy just idiotic, everything you buy is indirectly supporting horrible stuff to humans

Every product you buy from a company 80% of the time it’s made with inhumane means. phones and computer parts, Clothes that aren’t a 200 a piece, food products especially chocolate

even taxes the government is gonna use your money to fund something horrible

she’s already a billionaire this whole game is barely going to make a dent in her account

so if you draw the line of horrible stuff at a harry potter game then you need to reevaluate your morals

also i don’t get insulting the game and the work of people who worked on it who share no views with jk rowling and the game looks great


This is harry potter game controversy just idiotic, everything you buy is indirectly supporting horrible stuff to humans

Every product you buy from a company 80% of the time it’s made with inhumane means. phones and computer parts, Clothes that aren’t a 200 a piece, food products especially chocolate

even taxes the government is gonna use your money to fund something horrible

she’s already a billionaire this whole game is barely going to make a dent in her account

so if you draw the line of horrible stuff at a harry potter game then you need to reevaluate your morals

also i don’t get insulting the game and the work of people who worked on it who share no views with jk rowling and the game looks great
Lmao lemme guess what they did.
They promoted slavery? Slaves on shelfs?
This is dumb

Yugioh is nazi as ride of valkyries is a theme in one scene in one episode?
Is this something you think?
The fun stops at calling certaain pieces of music ''Nazi'' or w/e only because said tune is commonly associated with Nazis but was not even made by them

Going by that logic I'd be a Putin supporter because I like Katyusha and a militant communist because I like Bella Ciao 🙄
Is this something you think?
Nop, so try to understand instead of saying BS.

what? You can totally live a normal life without an mobile phone. That is a luxury, not a necessity.

By your own philosophy you will need to throw your phone away or you are pro child labor.

edit: Also what about other forms of media like rap? a lot of rap is made by people who often come from criminal lifestyles and glorify violence through their art
If you are willing to live as an outcast maybe yeah. For me it's impossible.

But sure.. you do what you want.
If you are willing to live as an outcast maybe yeah. For me it's impossible.

But sure.. you do what you want.
He's baiting you.

Some people rather criticise people who already do a lot for not being perfect, meanwhile they don't do anything that'd require them to leave their comfort zone.

We don't have to be perfect. It's better we do a bit that nothing at all.
Technological devices are really hard to source ethically, if not impossible.
What we can do tho is not getting the latest phone once every 6 months.
If you are willing to live as an outcast maybe yeah. For me it's impossible.
so you admit it is a luxury? Also funny how you dodge the rap question.

But sure.. you do what you want.
Yeah, this is the liberal answer lol. My problem isn’t with the boycott. If you hate JKR or think she’s harmful and don’t want to “fund” her go ahead. Calling people transphobes/nazis because they’re buying a game she had very little contribution is. Especially when those same people are doing similar behavior just with different products