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Dudes migrating to Paraguay totally doesn't sound sus

German anti vaxxer paradise

Yes we should be taught about Bolsonaro too
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lolis stfu migrating to Paraguay has nothing to do with vaccines.Paraguay has a liberal economy and they don't tax any income coming from outside it borders,its the perfect place for digital nomads.Safest country is south america too!As safe as america acording to CIA world fact book.
Women don't even expect guys to be as buff as the average professional runner.

I mean, Nature also expects men to have had some kids by the time they bald, and the current escalation of Baldness isn't natural at all, our diet and Lifestyle is making men go bald way too early. It's been documented that a diet change could easily slow it down
there are no bald people in my family,i don't think its natural at all.
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Why is this thread focused on american politics
Half of the people here are even American
whatever happens there affects the world
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Do you have Native genes?

Because Amerindians just like Asians have the least chance of Baldness
I do,but i look a 100% white.Most people compare me to my portuguese grand father looks wise.
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Do you have Native genes?

Because Amerindians just like Asians have the least chance of Baldness
didn't know that,it seems i won the lottery :)
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Do you have Native genes?

Because Amerindians just like Asians have the least chance of Baldness
my dad is 73 and he only has a few white spots on his beard,his hair is still very dark.
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You can't expect to have Brazil,Bolívia,Colombia and Venezuela nearby and have japanese levels of security.
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