Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I was under the impression you really liked it.

Loved it. But the game still had a good number of flaws (mainly in character writing) that I'm sure the sequel will fix.

But still not good enough for Slackavists to throw hissy fits over
Why ? Why being glad that a transphobe got paid plenty because of a game ? There is no rationnal reason to be "glad" here. Unless you are a Far right troll who only want progressive militant to be targeted of course.
I'm happy because people with disingenuous intentions didn't get their way.

Why cry over some random Warner Bros game when should go boycott Universal. She gets royalties for that.
Why? Because slacktivism. People who aren't actually interesting doing anything productive for the cause, but sure as hell love mashing on their keyboards while staying anonymous. :ihaha:

Loved it. But the game still had a good number of flaws (mainly in character writing) that I'm sure the sequel will fix.

But still not good enough for Slackavists to throw hissy fits over

I'm happy because people with disingenuous intentions didn't get their way.

Why cry over some random Warner Bros game when should go boycott Universal. She gets royalties for that.
Why? Because slacktivism. People who aren't actually interesting doing anything productive for the cause, but sure as hell love mashing on their keyboards while staying anonymous. :ihaha:
Damn. Sick burn.


I'm just saying, if they can't:
Fuck (it should stay this way though, they shouldn't do that, but you get the point right?)
Then they shouldn't have to make such an important decision like changing genders/sexualities.
All I would say is we have enough problems already at our hands. Why bother more. 🫠🫠🫠.. nobody qoutes me.
They were crying over royalties. Which mean nothing when you're a billion dollar author
Why that ? How hundred of thousand of dollar are "nothing" ? even one dollar for a fascist is too much.

Lemme enjoy my game.
Go for it, it looks like a cool game

You’re too condescending. You’re not a teacher (I am/was) and being condescending towards those you want to educate will simply make them resent you and go the opposite direction.
I tried your method, it didn't work, if you have another way to unbigot people go for it. So here I'm trying something else. And yes in that case, I want people to understand something by themself. If it means being the teacher, so be it. I don't care about me. Okay ?

Yes. But against propaganda for mutilating poor kids in the name of gender surgery
So, no then...

I'm happy because people with disingenuous intentions didn't get their way.
What disingenuous intention ? To make people understand that financing a fascist or a transphobe is bad is "disingenuous" to you ?

Why? Because slacktivism. People who aren't actually interesting doing anything productive for the cause, but sure as hell love mashing on their keyboards while staying anonymous
Well, that was not the only problem with the game to be honest... #GobelinRevolution