Have you actually seen how Antifa behave ? You’ll change your mind instantly when you see them looting the stores .
But like you said, the world is grey, if you think the problem are looters looting walmart, maybe you should look at people with a multiple Billion dollar assets.
A little reminder :
In France, an average person will spend in ALL her life between 1 and 3 Millions Euros.
Let's say that you win 1€ per second.
> To save 1 Million euros, you would need 12 days. This means that you would need a bit less than 100 days to reach 8 millions Euro, the net worth capital of a big influencer.
> 1 Billion Euro is 1000 Millions. So To save 1 BILLION euros, it would take you about 30 years !!
> Do you want to know the fortune of Bolloré ? The guy who is devastating africa and threatening the entire mediatic french field ?
10.5 Billions. He ranks 231 out of around 2.790 Billionnaires ! > https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/#713616a3d788
> Elon Musk (the first) : 436.7 Billion.
> It would take you 13.830 years to accumulate this kind of money at a rate of 1 Euro per second!
There is a common joke, Lucy (the prehistoric woman) lived around 3.2 millions years ago.
> If Lucy had been paid at the French minimum wage from her birth, it would have taken her around 4.32 million years to accumulate €436 billion euros.
Now to reach 10 Trillion with the same conditions she would need about 477 Millions years.
As long as you will be angry at people who loot Toilet papers, TV and Nutella rather than those who accumulate this type of wealth, there will be a problem.