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Pot Goblin

@Pot Goblin last time, I need an emote and for you to say "I'm Town" in clear words.

Vote Lynch Pot.
Fl0w4 why ts0m 00y d3m4nd th1s n3hw
1t's s0ch 4 n14p 1n th3 gn1kc0f
4ss t0 ts0p thg1r n0w, 1'm t0n
S0r3 wh4t s1ht 3t0m3 b0s1n3ss 4 s1
4b00t, b0t 1 3p0h 1t's w0rth t1
c40s3 1 t'n4c k43ps cl34rly r1ght w0n
S0 h3r3 s1 3ht 3m0t3 y00 R
L00k1ng 4

1t's t1m3 0t r2wsn4 th1s q03st10n 3kc0t
1'm fl4tt3r3d t4ht 00y d3c1d3d t0 t1h
m3 w1th 4 31l d3t3ct t0 f3r0g1f
m3 00t. 1 ll1w 4nsw3r th1s yll0fht0rt
4s 1 3p0h s1ht h3lps cl34r t00
3ny 3nd ll4 sn01c1ps0s th4t y00 thg1m
h4v3 t0w4rds 3m. 3r3h 1s my r3wsn4

1n th1s 3m4g, 1 4m t0wn
F3ll4s, 1 ts0j t0g h1t w1th 4
1ns4nly 1nc3d1bly yts4n ts0p r3st1ct10n, v3ry d4b
N0 w4y 1 n4c r34lly pl4y w0n
0nd3rst4nd pl34s3 t4ht ym s1t04t10n 1s hg00t
w1ll t4k3 00t gn0l t0 b3 l0fpl3h
1 d0n't w0nk 0hw d1d th1s t0b
Th3y r34lly 3d4m 3m m4d, 3v3n f1
1t's k4nd4 ynn0f
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