U scared the living sh** out of me i thought everything was in my hands now!!!
We would have been screwed bad!
Cuz i literally lied about everything!
I'm not immune to kills i only was untill pero was alive but i thought i could scare mafia away!
I didn't redirected all their kills to me last cycle i just thought i could buy us some time.....
Oh and i don't really have a modkill i thought fuji would give it to me since i'm a mod but apparently " it's against the rules " :(
i should really stop thinking now that i think about it......
I'm literally vanilla now i just have +3 vote power
But i'm fucking glad you're alive, now it's you & me against the world again!
Now you take care of the PoE while i take care of myself, gotta go for my beauty sleep! See you tomorrow!