[FNZ] Turbo game Give me the gun 5

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I have it on Worst rn. Don’t like how he called Flower obvious scum for that answer after she flipped yet he never called it out at the time.
I thought he was obvious town honestly. I’d lean one of the other 2 before him. Lanji hasn’t really followed.

I’d prob go mango lanji thuro

al was attacked by flower so I assume he isn’t buddy but I don’t get why he won’t answer me with calling me scum
I thought he was obvious town honestly. I’d lean one of the other 2 before him. Wanji hasn’t really followed.

I’d prob go mango Wanji thuro

al was attacked by flower so I assume he isn’t buddy but I don’t get why he won’t answer me with calling me scum
Pretty sure it’s times up now. So we’ll see.


Arbiter of Truth
My narrative made sense though? Why wouldn’t you make it random. You gave it to the unjest.

flower was scum, a bunch agreed so once again I don’t see how that’s a way of looking into it really. She followed giving vote so it made her sus just like you and thuro and I was right about one of my choices. I didn’t just pick her I picked all of you, she just argued the most and you sat back and well thuro didn’t say anything.

novase felt obvious. And as scum I don’t see know novase is unjest would give me alignment. He wouldn’t be mafia since he legit killed flower. And as scum I wouldn’t know his role so how does that correlate?
Well, your narrative did make logical sense yeah. But at that stage it wouldn't be strange for a mafia to try to appear towny for appealing to logic.
So the fact that your narrative made sense doesn't neccesarily prove anyting.

Like Lanji said, Flower don't like to buss people, but you may have chosen to do so regardless, as it would give you a good chance of living longer, and in turn making it more plausible for you to win the game.
Of course I do not possess definitive proof either way, however call it a strong feeling.

And for the last part, I don't know how you saw Novas as being obvious, but even that aside, if you are mafia, then you would have 1 less to worry about being the Unjest, because it's obviously not you. It does not matter for you if you shoot the unjest, though you probably wouldn't.

So if anything, you calling out Novas being unjest is probably the only thing that gives me reason to believe you're not mafia.


Arbiter of Truth
For the reason that if you were so sure that Novas were unjest you'd probably not shoot him before last.

So perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree.
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