Versus Battle God Speed Killua vs Pre Chrollo Hisoka


You can't win
@ZenZu i know some of what you said already, but you're missing few things

- In Netero's statement, he was basing things from the size of the royal guards aura alone. He had no idea how strong they actually were in battle

- In the same arc, it has been mentioned that the size of an aura alone doesn't tell who is stronger. The same Killua example you use is enough to prove this considering Killua's aura size was an ant compared to his, but Killua's godspeed had the necessary speed to blitz him

- Skilled nen users are adept of basics like Gyo, Ren(to detect enemies), Ken(that allowed Hisoka to partially defend himself from Chrollo's sun and moon gigantic explosion), allowing them to overcome situations better than someone as unskilled as Pouf despite his aura being larger

- Even against pre-boost Hisoka, Chrollo needed a huge amount of preparation and location to be sure to win, according to the man himself

- Illumi/Hisoka observed Killua's godspeed through Tsubone and weren't impressed by it.

Also Getoh being an ant to Killua is baseless when Tsubone could outrun Killua's maximal speed in her motorbike form. Yes movement speed is different to combat speed, but the thing you're missing is the fact that Tsubone could actually keep up with Killua's maximal speed even before her motorbike form since she could still see his movement's enough to track him, with her motorbike form, not only allowing her to track him but to outrun him movement speed wise instead, which goes to show once again that a skilled nen user is capable to keep up with Killua"s speed
@ZenZu i know some of what you said already, but you're missing few things

- In Netero's statement, he was basing things from the size of the royal guards aura alone. He had no idea how strong they actually were in battle

- In the same arc, it has been mentioned that the size of an aura alone doesn't tell who is stronger. The same Killua example you use is enough to prove this considering Killua's aura size was an ant compared to his, but Killua's godspeed had the necessary speed to blitz him

- Skilled nen users are adept of basics like Gyo, Ren(to detect enemies), Ken(that allowed Hisoka to partially defend himself from Chrollo's sun and moon gigantic explosion), allowing them to overcome situations better than someone as unskilled as Pouf despite his aura being larger

- Even against pre-boost Hisoka, Chrollo needed a huge amount of preparation and location to be sure to win, according to the man himself

- Illumi/Hisoka observed Killua's godspeed through Tsubone and weren't impressed by it.

Also Getoh being an ant to Killua is baseless when Tsubone could outrun Killua's maximal speed in her motorbike form. Yes movement speed is different to combat speed, but the thing you're missing is the fact that Tsubone could actually keep up with Killua's maximal speed even before her motorbike form since she could still see his movement's enough to track him, with her motorbike form, not only allowing her to track him but to outrun him movement speed wise instead, which goes to show once again that a skilled nen user is capable to keep up with Killua"s speed
Nice arguments !

However what he did to Youpi soldifies GS as something more impressive than what Hisoka has shown or couldve possibly shown ( As much as I wish he did). Their is still no answer to how Hisoka would react to him. Saying he was not impressed isnt good enough. Could also possibly be a mistake from Togashi, as he didnt hope for a Killua vs Hisoka fight anyways.
Anyways. I do hope Post-death Hisoka is a lot more stronger. With his nen being stronger after death. Bungee Gum will be on a whole different lvl. If he perhaps can imbue his entire body with bungee gum as soon as Killua can go into GS. He maybe able to stop Killua and kill him. However thats if Hisoka doesnt underestimate him, like he does to everyone.
So this is the level of abysmal takes that were on the Internet before I was an HxH fan? :josad:
Isn’t Killua Royal Guard tier?
Not remotely close. He can temporarily outspeed them with Godspeed, and paralyze them with Thunderbolt. However, he only used Thunderbolt in situations that masked his presence, and most Nen masters aren’t as tempremental as Youpi was during his unique situation. Including Pouf and Youpi.

So no, he’s not Royal Guard tier. He’s not on the level of human Nen masters either, or even on Tsubone’s level.

With Nen, you have to keep in mind that Nen veterans analyze and counter hax abilities all the time. Someone like Morel would have plenty of options to use a speedster’s moved against them, by his own words.
Wow our saviour is here.
Relax lmao. I'm trying to sound arrogant, but man that was a shit take you had there. That's not how Nen after death or Nen in general works. You don't permanently become stronger without training, combat experience, effort, or making a certain type of ability imposed with a Nen Contract.

Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
I’m giving it to Hisoka, all he has to do is somehow endure Killua’s attacks until his Godspeed runs out, or he can just coat himself in bungie gum and trap Killua whenever he tries to attack him…
God speed Killua is pretty OP. Won't be surprised if he beat hisoka but plot won't allow him to win.
There's no such thing as "plot" in HxH. Hisoka would win because he has the intelligence and experience to analyze Godspeed and come up with counter-strategies. Also, Killua's raw power is overrated. He was getting trashed by Knuckle, who's weaker and less experienced than Nen masters like Morel, Knov or Hisoka.
There's no such thing as "plot" in HxH. Hisoka would win because he has the intelligence and experience to analyze Godspeed and come up with counter-strategies. Also, Killua's raw power is overrated. He was getting trashed by Knuckle, who's weaker and less experienced than Nen masters like Morel, Knov or Hisoka.
Lmao youpi >> Hisoka