There are also countries in Europe that have very loose gun regulations and still don't have these issues either - Norway, Finland, Switzerland. Why do you imagine they're not wantonly shooting each other?
Define "proper regulation" without hand waving it as some vague quantity. Both populations have access to guns, and there's a massive discrepancy in shootings. It doesn't take a genius to see the reason Finland doesn't devolve into Baltimore isn't because of some hair splitting over "regulation", it's because there is a contrast in crime, culture, population. Recognizing that there are countries perfectly capable of living with high levels of gun ownership doesn't support your argument, it makes it quite obvious the problem is people and not just the tools at their disposal.
I won't argue that if you Thanos snapped all guns out of existence you wouldn't make a dent in the murder rate here, but it's extremely naive or very disingenuous to contribute the difference between Europe and the U.S. to laws. Guns aren't the root cause. They're just a factor.
Define "proper regulation" without hand waving it as some vague quantity. Both populations have access to guns, and there's a massive discrepancy in shootings. It doesn't take a genius to see the reason Finland doesn't devolve into Baltimore isn't because of some hair splitting over "regulation", it's because there is a contrast in crime, culture, population. Recognizing that there are countries perfectly capable of living with high levels of gun ownership doesn't support your argument, it makes it quite obvious the problem is people and not just the tools at their disposal.
I won't argue that if you Thanos snapped all guns out of existence you wouldn't make a dent in the murder rate here, but it's extremely naive or very disingenuous to contribute the difference between Europe and the U.S. to laws. Guns aren't the root cause. They're just a factor.
There are also countries in Europe that have very loose gun regulations and still don't have these issues either - Norway, Finland, Switzerland. Why do you imagine they're not wantonly shooting each other?
I see your point now.Still don't agree.I think regulations should be enforced so the mentally ill and drug addicts don't get firearms.American politics affect the rest of the world.I would not want Americans to be disarmed because it would also give a huge boost to the gun grabbers in my country.
I agree for background checks for drug addicts and the mentally ill.that is it.
But your argument was that the dividing line was "regulations". If you concede that the U.S. population at large is the problem, that proves my point. And that's quite an important concession, because the direct implication is that all these "regulations" amount to bullshit red tape like limiting magazine capacity, or attachments, or weapons.
What really matters is who can be trusted with these weapons and who cannot. Guess which of these groups follows the letter of the law?
But your argument was that the dividing line was "regulations". If you concede that the U.S. population at large is the problem, that proves my point. And that's quite an important concession, because the direct implication is that all these "regulations" amount to bullshit red tape like limiting magazine capacity, or attachments, or weapons.
What really matters is who can be trusted with these weapons and who cannot. Guess which of these groups follows the letter of the law?
Licensed firearm:this would allow the gov to know who owns what.Americans don't want it.
Physical health and gun course are unnecessary and would make it harder for the poor to own a firearm.
Just to give an example,in Brazil Bolsonaro made it easier to buy firearms.All firearms are registered in the federal police and military depending on the purpose of aquisition(self defense,sport,hunting,etc...).Somehow,criminals managed to hack into this information and sell it online.So basically all citizens that own firearms in Brazil are now exposed to criminals.i'm against registration.I think you just need to have a license proving that you are no criminal,no crazy or junkie.
...No, they'll do them regardless. If my government tells me tomorrow all gun sales have been cut off, permanently (and lets pretend such a measure would have 0 political implications or blowback), I'd have 0 confidence that people irresponsibly owning guns would do an about-face. All it would do is create a higher margin of people who shouldn't own guns, by threatening to criminalize people who own them responsibly. It would have the opposite of its intended effect.
In short I have 0 confidence that this problem can be solved with the tools that are available to solve them, so why bother cucking myself by advocating that my own rights are taken away?
Licensed firearm:this would allow the gov to know who owns what.Americans don't want it.
Physical health and gun course are unnecessary and would make it harder for the poor to own a firearm.
Just to give an example,in Brazil Bolsonaro made it easier to buy firearms.All firearms are registered in the federal police and military depending on the purpose of aquisition(self defense,sport,hunting,etc...).Somehow,criminals managed to hack into this information and sell it online.So basically all citizens that own firearms in Brazil are now exposed to criminals.i'm against registration.I think you just need to have a license proving that you are no criminal,no crazy or junkie.
...No, they'll do them regardless. If my government tells me tomorrow all gun sales have been cut off, permanently (and lets pretend such a measure would have 0 political implications or blowback), I'd have 0 confidence that people irresponsibly owning guns would do an about-face. All it would do is create a higher margin of people who shouldn't own guns, by threatening to criminalize people who own them responsibly. It would have the opposite of its intended effect.
No shit people too stupid to own guns shouldn't own them, the question is that should the rights of many be sacrificed for the sins of a few? Both pragmatically and philosophically, the answer is no. I mean, if you believe in democracy, and you can recognize the contradiction between most of the voting population being mouthbreathers and still being determinant to how we make our decisions, you should be able to follow my argument. I want every right afforded to me to own weapons, because me not owning them doesn't have impact on the capacity of lawbreakers to own them, or on the competence of the police who I must rely on to protect me. Fuck cops and criminals
Instead you've devolve to appealing to emotion about the blood of children. *Rolls eyes*.
Yes, it's terrible, but thankfully, the amount of children who die in mass shootings annually is comparable with the amount of children who die from lightning strikes and slipping and falling in the bathroom.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't seek to mitigate it, but it does mean we should treat such incidences the way society handles everything else it can't guarantee against - proportional consequence for the perpetrator. No amount of gun control is going to stop a motivated actor as long as the laws of physics and chemistry exist. Forget an AR-15, you can kill almost 100 people driving a truck into a crowded population.
The world is a terrible place with an endless capacity for death and destruction. It's because of this that every man should place the responsibility upon themselves to be capable in some capacity to protect themselves and their family, and it's frankly embarrassing to abdicate yourself of that willingly, and hope and pray nothing bad will happen because you're European or whatever.
How are fat muricans gonna fight the state government police(who have bullet shields jackets and everything) even if they have a big ass arsenal, more chances of them killing another civilian accidentally. You will be butchered if the biggest military on the earth comes after you. That being said I have no opinions on this. but if they are allowing civilians to weild a gun, the rules should be stricter.
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