Ratchet ask

how exactly Yoda talks, i know not

to my knowledge to put subject and predicate at the end of the sentence I have to

broken it to my knowledge i did not

baited into it i will not be
As esl who sometimes has difficulties to make sense of normal sentences this way of talking confuses me a lot.

1. Not even here when Polar was lynched was I.
2. Voted Polar's counterwagon have you.


3. Unprompted really D1, you claimed.
4. Flavour and roleblocker only, you claimed.
5. D2 werewolf part without explanation why D1 not mentioned that, you added.
6. Still giving answer why you avoid and instead with omg you go.
Yeah, between this and scum!Indigo being by far the simplest solution to the earlier stuff, I think I feel pretty safe in leaving my vote here for now.

Vote Lynch Indigo