either way i kind of doubt scum targets Ultra N1 anyway bc if he's poisoned he's just gonna die (so what's the point of wasting an action on someone who will die soon) and they probably would've just hit him with their RB (AM). This logic might also be a good look for Watson bc why would Watson as scum be on Ultra when scum RB was someone else?
Speaking of RBs,
what if on N1:
Luka got RB'd by AM (unconfirmed but AM is RB)
Ratchet got redirected to KWEH and failed to be protected from redirect by Luka cuz Luka got RB'd
Indigo Jailed KWEH and so KWEH's night action failed.
Watson visited Ultra but wasn't seen bc watcher was redirected to KWEH
then this would be the first scenario where no one is lying and the night happens as it did?