Questions & Mysteries Has anyone read a worse arc than Wano week to week in all of manga/manhwa etc?

Tho I dropped reading in the middle arc for a bit to wait for something more and then I came back to reading from the beginning of Zou arc when WCI started to last in anime so yeah. Those two were not the best but they were ok. Also man, it isn't bad, it is just long but bro... How many speculations it gives each chapter! Food for whole years my mate.

Fishman island was bad tho Hody who????
For the most part I am enjoying my weekly reading of Wano, and I look forward to rereading it once the arc has completed.

I can’t really answer the original question because if I don’t like a manga, show, or book series, then I just drop it. I am not sure why people like to continue consuming something that they despise. My thoughts are as followed:

1. Maybe they just enjoy hate watching and trolling.

2. They are afraid of missing out on being a part of a fandom.

3. They hope that the series will recapture their interests once again.

Finally, while worstgen users are definitely more critical of Wano and One Piece than reddit, we are still taking the time to post about One Piece on a forum.


The only one who can beat me is me
Not sure how many people have said WCI, but here’s one more…!! :goatasure::memehm:
WCI may or may not be the worse arc of the two but nothing was more painful than reading Dressrosa weekly. 100 chapters, half of which concerning characters no one gives a single shit about. I can't wait to see Jeet, Abdulla and co. running around on top of Pica, said no one ever.

Let's not forget the tontatta either, those made for some exciting chapters...

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
WCI may or may not be the worse arc of the two but nothing was more painful than reading Dressrosa weekly. 200 chapters, half of which concerning characters no one gives a single shit about. I can't wait to see Jeet, Abdulla and co. running around on top of Pica, said no one ever.

Let's not forget the tontatta either, those made for some exciting chapters...
Agreed, but rereading Dressrosa is much more palatable (to me) and the story moves along faster when you can skip ahead…but even when I decide to revisit WCI, all the issues I had with it between 2016 and 2018 are not any better in hindsight.
I start to skim through pictures instead of focus on the detail.
I read OP last right now as I have no interest.

The excitement is just gone, everything is just too repetitive, the world building is collapsing.
Kaido is a joke, Big Mom is a joke, CP0 is a joke, world strongest has no meaning, protagonist side are like Zombies, MC is just keep pretending he has limit stamina.

This is boring as hell.
Yeah, agree with what’s been said in this thread, WCI and Dressrosa were way worse weekly than Wano (hey, alliteration) and the last couple of hundred chapters of Bleach was a masterclass in dreadful pacing.

Almost every chapter of Wano gives talking points for the week ahead. Even the shit ones. It has it’s problems, but reading weekly isn’t really one of them- any problem with reading weekly in particular in this arc is something every arc probably has.


For the most part I am enjoying my weekly reading of Wano, and I look forward to rereading it once the arc has completed.

I can’t really answer the original question because if I don’t like a manga, show, or book series, then I just drop it. I am not sure why people like to continue consuming something that they despise. My thoughts are as followed:

1. Maybe they just enjoy hate watching and trolling.

2. They are afraid of missing out on being a part of a fandom.

3. They hope that the series will recapture their interests once again.

Finally, while worstgen users are definitely more critical of Wano and One Piece than reddit, we are still taking the time to post about One Piece on a forum.
10/10 post