Questions & Mysteries Has Sanji regeneration?

Was it Regeneration?

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Last chapter Sanji's body got broken, but his body got ''fixed'' back to normal.
Now was that regeneration?
I don't think so.

I think it was simply because of the exoskeleton forming at that exact moment, that it fixed the bones and put them back into place when it was forming the exoskeleton.

We know that the Vinsmokes have increased regeneration, but even Reiju when she got shot by Pudding needed to heal atleast a whole night. Now it could have taken longer because it were those ''candy bullets'' or whatever, but i doubt they can instantly heal things like flesh wounds and stuff. I mean Sanji bend Yonji's whole face and he needed a press maschine to get it back to normal - it didn't fixed itself.
We don't know yet if Sanji gets all the abilities, but i doubt he would have that kind of crazy regeneration abilities - that would honestly make him to a mini Kaidou.
It’s unclear at this point. We need to see more of him and Queen to be sure if it truly was regeneration or not. For now it looked kinda like regeneration at least to some point where he can fix broken bones. But like you pointed out in your thread that could also only be fixing the exoskeleton and not actually regenerating the bones itself. We‘ll just have to wait and see more of it to be really certain of what’s going on with him.
An "exoskeleton" literally means an iron-like hardened skin, it's not like it's a "better skeleton", it's an armour on top of everything.
That means his bones actually got broken, and actually healed after.
Yeah it seems like he can also recover skin damage or else the cut would have made him bleed externally but I imagine he can't repair his organs like Doffy regardless.
Like his brothers guess.
Niji jaw instantly in place or Reiju recovering from a effective bullet overnight.
Niji put his jaw back in place himself tho - like it got dislocated and he put it back in.
How impressive is it tho, to heal a bullet wound over night? I think we have seen crazier things getting healed over night aswell.
Niji put his jaw back in place himself tho - like it got dislocated and he put it back in.
How impressive is it tho, to heal a bullet wound over night? I think we have seen crazier things getting healed over night aswell.
Well it was special bullet as we know.
Plus you gotta remember odd thing happens depending the plot like Luffy getting his teeth fixed with a glass of milk instantly.

When plot needs it things don't happen as one expected despite previous examples.

About Niji we exactly don't know it could have been both things and we wouldn't know. Oda at that moment still didn't revealed the powers.
It’s recovering
Not regeneration, nor it was exoskeleton forming

it’s just fast healing process… it’s different than regeneration in that you cannot grow missing parts