General & Others Has Wholecake island Arc Gotten Better or Worse from the Wano arc?

Is WCI Better or Worse from Wano's plot?

  • It's Better

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • It's Definitely Worse...

    Votes: 15 41.7%
  • idk.... Its not better but its not worse either

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • WCI Arc hasn't been effected by Wano for me Tbh

    Votes: 7 19.4%

  • Total voters
Wg sleep on wci because sanji didnt fight there.

Its absolutely the better arc, and making wci good is harder than wano good.
Artistic-wise its a wash, thematic wise its also a wash. The only thing wano is better for is the hype.

Its like how infinity war is better than endgame, and marvel fan would agree to this
Both trash, except few chapters.
Lack of story progression, reveals, and intentional delays are a frequent occurrence.

OP is consistent at delivering mid to trash chapters.
The recent example is how Drake's defeat by CP0 was handled. Instead of showing fainted Sanji and Zoro, it would have been better to see Drake put up a fight against CP0.

An important character put aside just like that, I didnt expect it, unless Mr. Morj's theory about Ancient Zoans getting back up is correct.


Talent is something you make bloom.
I truly believe Wano will get better with time as well.
Because once we realize Oda is writing for kids and young teens instead of his actual audience that is older than his target one already, we will just brush off the shit shows and just enjoy the good parts.
Like Ennies Lobby.
I love EL, but that little run in the first half of it is boring as fuck.
WCI the better arc, Wano just relies on hype and has dragged on
WCI had better art, was thematically consistent, and had better progression
Wano in terms of powerscaling alone is a train wreck, and Oda created so many inconsistencies
It’s justifiable though if one doesn’t look too much into it
Personal enjoyment is also always a factor
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Lazy is the way
Please take off the Sanji-colored glasses and admit that your boy’s arc could and SHOULD have been far better than what we got, you know it to be true :lusalty:
Who said the contrary ? WCI arc should and could have been a LOT better and lots of things were failed and missed BUT the little things we had in WCI here and there are still FAR better than what we have in Wano.

We can hate what we got with Sanji and his family but at least we got something. Wano is empty as hell. I don’t feel a god damn thing in Wano, not even anger, just an immense boredom.
Who said the contrary ? WCI arc should and could have been a LOT better and lots of things were failed and missed BUT the little things we had in WCI here and there is still FAR better than what we had in Wano.

We can hate what we got with Sanji and his family but at least we got something. Wano is empty as hell. I don’t feel a god damn thing in Wano, not even anger, just an immense boredom.
Wano feels like canon filler with just so many plots that will end with nothing.

Whole Cake Island may have been long but the plots were straightforward and each chapter built on these plots.

And the actual emotional payoff of Sanji and his family was great. And Kaido is literally playing the same role Kata did just doing it worse.