General & Others Hell and love


Just like zoro and sanji Rayleigh and Gaban have ties to the underworld and love

Rayleigh being the dark king

Gaban being the minister of love

1. What do you think of each and its potential role? Is it haki
2. What do you think Rayleigh and Gaban can do with these seemingly rare powers?
3. What about zoro and sanji?

Itโ€™s lowkey possible diable jambe and asura have ties to those powers somehow
Sanjiโ€™s love heating him up
Zoroโ€™s underworld-iness letting his soul change shape or something

4. What about luffy and Roger?

Imo Rayleigh was a armament master while Gaban the observation haki master with Roger having a mastery of both

What if the same with the underworld and love thing? It would help explain why heโ€™s so damn strong


Kitetsu Wanker
There is no connection between Luffy, Zoro and Sanji with Roger, Ray and Ya-san.
This reveal of gold=silver=copper exists only for one reason - to kill any doubt about EOS Sanjino's strength.
Zoro is not tied to Ray and Luffy is not tied to Roger. And Sanjino isn't tied to Ya-san either.
He only exists to establish the base line for Sanji's power level.
There is no connection between Luffy, Zoro and Sanji with Roger, Ray and Ya-san.
This reveal of gold=silver=copper exists only for one reason - to kill any doubt about EOS Sanjino's strength.
Zoro is not tied to Ray and Luffy is not tied to Roger. And Sanjino isn't tied to Ya-san either.
He only exists to establish the base line for Sanji's power level.
If we find out Waban has Buccaneer ancestry, I'm assuming Sanji's fire abilities, kicking a laser and no selling S-Shark are the result of Buccaneer DNA splicing.
It's more intriguing to me that Rayleigh has a "King" epithet similar to Zoro's & on the other hand, Gaban has a motif of "Love" similar to Sanji.

Maybe Rayleigh/Zoro are to be Conquerors while Gaban/Sanji are to use "Power of love"?

Honestly while I do think thereโ€™s a decent chance Sanji gets conquerors I donโ€™t mind him not getting it. Especially if someone like law or some of the admirals and emperors donโ€™t have it

Garp has both tho because heโ€™s him

I do think thereโ€™s more to the underworld thing for zoro and Rayleigh tho