Who receives the official MVP?

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D6 Votecount #2 (Final Votecount)


Holy Simp
hammer has been reached here.

write up will follow when I am back from work.
Ratchet > Polar Bear
Mr. Reloaded > Luka
T-Pein > Luka
Red Night > Luka
Luka > Polar Bear
Dr. Watson > Luka
Polar Bear > Luka
Mashiro Blue > Luka

Luka: 6
Polar Bear: 2

Let me know if I missed a vote. Write up incomming, prepare to stop posting soon.

D6 End/N6 Start


Holy Simp

Even after Zhu Jin's death...the Tensen maintained control over the island against every challenge facing them. Is it over or is there a ray of hope for the remaining expedition?

@Luka [Kishou Yamada Asaemon] has been lynched.

You are Kishou Yamada Asaemon. A member of the Expedition Town.

[Vanilla] - Kishou comes with no special abilities or capabilities. He is abilityless and only has his wit and vote.

Tao Form:
[Ability Draft][Game Mechanic] -
Unlocking this, Kishou may start to draft one ability from a choice of five random abilities among a pool of different abilities.
He may start his first draft during the day after unlocking this ability, and each further draft for each 10 further steps moved on the expedition meter. He will toss drafted abilities he holds in possession during his death.

+[Roleblocker][Active][Drafted] - You may attempt to roleblock a target and stop them from performing an action that night. [1-shot]

You win when you defeat all threats to the Expedition Town.

Day 6 Ended.
Night 6 Starts! You have 26~ hours to turn in actions if you wish so.
(If everyone locks actions/abstains I may start earlier. But remember there is no need to rush your decisions, it is fine if you want to take the full 26 hours!)

Stop Discussing!

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Night 6 End/Day 7 Start


Holy Simp

After several days passed, the Vanguard Party has finally managed to claim a successful counterstrike against the Tensen. But at what cost?

@Mr. Reloaded [Tao Fa] has been killed.
@Kiku (Ver2) [Tenza Yamada Asaemon] has been killed.

You are Tao Fa. A member of the Tensen Mafia.

[Ninja][Passive] - Tao Fa amplifies her performed abilities to bypass detection investigative effects.

[Watcher][Active] - Tao Fa will investigate her target and learn who visitted them during that night.

Tao Form:
+[Enhanced Janitor][Passive] -
Tao Fa amplifies her performed abilities to remove her targets role from any sort of game-post or ability result for the night.

+[Take][Active] - Select an tossed ability from any write up as long it is available and attach it to your role. [1-shot]
+[Vigilante][Active][Drafted] -
You may attempt to kill a target of your choice. [1-shot]

You win when you defeat all threats to the Tensen Mafia.

You are Tenza Yamada Asaemon. A member of the Expedition Town.

[Vanilla] - Tenza comes with no special abilities or capabilities. He is abilityless and only has his wit and vote.

Tao Form:
[Ability Draft][Game Mechanic] -
Unlocking this, Tenza may start to draft one ability from a choice of five random abilities among a pool of different abilities.
He may start his first draft during the day after unlocking this ability, and each further draft for each 10 further steps moved on the expedition meter. He will toss drafted abilities he holds in possession during his death.

+[Roleblocker][Active][Drafted] - You may attempt to roleblock a target and stop them from performing an action that night. [1-shot]

+[Tracker][Active][Drafted] - You may investigate a target and learn whom they targetted that night if any. [1-shot]
+[Bulletproof Vest][Passive][Drafted] -
Negate the destructive effect of the next direct killing ability hitting you this game. [1-shot]

You win when you defeat all threats to the Expedition Town.

An tossed ability has been taken:
An ability has been tossed:

Some abilities have been tossed:
[Ninja][Passive] - Tao Fa amplifies her performed abilities to bypass detection investigative effects.
[Watcher][Active] - Tao Fa will investigate her target and learn who visitted them during that night.
+[Enhanced Janitor][Passive] - Tao Fa amplifies her performed abilities to remove her targets role from any sort of game-post or ability result for the night.
+[Vigilante][Active][Drafted] - You may attempt to kill a target of your choice. [1-shot]

It is MiLo!

Night 6 ended. Day 7 starts! You have ~24 hours to discuss and lynch.

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