I wonder what/who did Mihawk Cut ?
Kaido fought top top tiers ... beat Oden (top tier), beat high tiers as Lufft Kidd hyou Ashura....
Challenges the strong , he even went far to remove bm cuff so that he gets to fight her at full power.
WB fought top tiers....never run/postpone matches
Mihawk.... error no record of him fighting top tier or beating an high tier
Runs or postpone challenges
But "Mihawk got his title as kaido/wb"
Also no where kaido/wb title is debated by comparing their skills to high tiers like how WSS title was.
Never compared a TITLE THAT APPLIES TO EVERYONE to a title only for a specific type of fighters
Which is why you would have to wait on info before invalidating his title. you cant claim mihawk has no record of beating anyone when we literally have no info on his past aside from the fact that he challenged every sword-master he could find until there was no more.

The wg doesnt hand out titles. general populous do. the amazing thing is,
in your response, you still dont point out how wb became the world strongest man or how kaido became the world strongest creature which is essentially what this thread is about. how was the wss title achieved.
whether they beat high tiers or not isnt the question. its how they attained those titles in the first place.
We all have to wait. The same way we had to wait to realize why garp is a marine hero or The same way we have to wait to find out why dragon is the most wanted man.