Powers & Abilities How intelligent are One Piece Characters ?

Oda said the same thing concerning Zoro and Kuina than Kishimoto said about Hashirama and Madara.

The four were displaying at a young age, strength surpassing the adults one.

Like Oden ( didn't talk about him )
That is related to strength, not intelligence. Zoro and Luffy are definitions of borderline idiots. These two shouldn't be compared to Franky, Robin, Nami and Chopper in terms of intelligence. Oh, Sanji and Jinbe are several times smarter than them too.
That is related to strength, not intelligence. Zoro and Luffy are definitions of borderline idiots. These two shouldn't be compared to Franky, Robin, Nami and Chopper in terms of intelligence. Oh, Sanji and Jinbe are several times smarter than them too.
G b Zoro : I put him in the genius block because he is a genius, like the others in the same block, in one subject.

I made a score system to try to rank them by "global intelligence" where Zoro is at 60 and Law, Sanji, Robin and Blackbeard are at 75.

G b Zoro : I put him in the genius block because he is a genius, like the others in the same block, in one subject.

I made a score system to try to rank them by "global intelligence" where Zoro is at 60 and Law, Sanji, Robin and Blackbeard are at 75.

Why not place Franky at the top with Vegapunk, Judge and Caesar though? Franky is definitely a genius who can understand and implement the works of Vegapunk successfully. He was designing battleships when he was very young too and is extremely successful at engineering and biology (human body modification, integration of DF abilities to human body etc. )He is logically way way above Nami in terms of intelligence and Sanji/Robin duo is not comparable to him in terms of IQ either.
Dr. Clover, Kureha, IM, Dragon, Vegapunk, Franky, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Lindbergh, Ivankov, Sengoku, Raylegh, Dr. Hogback, Monet, Kuma, Brook, Roger and Luffy.

There are several types of intelligences and I can clearly see true geniuses in these characters.


I really badly expressed myself.

I wanted to make 2 things.

Thing Number 1 : global score intelligence ranks who didn't take into account what Oda said to us, neither Genius in only one domain.

Thing Number 2 : make a list of genius without ranking them.


Thing Number 1 :

? - Ben Beckmann
75 - Sanji - Robin - Law - Blackbeard
73 - Mont d'Or
72,5 - Crocodile - Marco
72 - Fujitora
70 - Nami - Denjirou - Shanks - Dofflamingo - Queen
67,5 - Franky - Usopp - Brook - Jimbei - Aokiji - Mihawk - Mister 3 - Boa Hancock - King - Katakuri
66 - Akainu - Sengoku
65 - Sabo - Ace - Vivi - Buggy
64 - Whitebeard
63 - Cracker
62,5 - Kaidou
62 - Jack - Jozu
61 - Enel
60 - Zoro - Kinemon
50 - Luffy - Garp
46 - Oden
45 - Chopper
40 - Oars Junior


Thing Number 2 :

Kuro from Black Cats pirates, Nami, Zoro, Kuina, Ben Beckman, Vegapunk, Franky, Robin, Dr. Hogback, Brook.