General & Others How many Chapters until Kaido is down

~10 chapters (around 1050). His flashback will be 1-2 chapters at most. Fighting with Luffy will probably be somewhere between 3-5 full chapters of fighting, spread across 10-12 chapters of plot sith Orochi/CP-0/Zunisha/Momo, etc. He's heading somewhere with Onigashima and Momo saving the capital, we just don't know yet.
-Volume 102, chapters 1026-35: volume about Sanji and Zoro fights, end in the Zoro vs King chapter.

-Volume 103, chapters 1036-45: Volume about BM defeat and solving all other plots besides Luffy vs Kaido (Kazembo, Orochi, Fukurokujo, Zunesha)

-Volume 104, chapters 1046-55 Volume with Luffy vs Kaido, Momo holding Onigashima and aftermatch of the Raid.

So more like 12 chapters until Kaido defeat and 3 chapters of aftermatch in Wano, with the volume 105 the SH already leaving Wano, we getting info on what is happening in the World and they arriving at Elbaf around the chapter 1060.
There is only kaido fight left if we considering 2 ch for fb and the fact that oda ended alot of fights very fast in thic arc i will probably say about 3 ch so 5 ch and i think wano end will be different so we gonna see another action like titch shanks or admirals in wano
Kaido hasn't had a flashback yet, so I'm gonna guess 20 chapters.

You can still expect a lot of panel time to be dedicated to Momonosuke and his struggle to stop the island from falling, CP0/Nico Robin (hopefully), and updates on everyone who is on their deathbed, especially Roronoa Zoro.