Controversial How many Mickey wins does Luffy have?

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!🐍
Would you kindly define Mickey Mouse wins?
What do you mean by that?
From Urban Dictonary:

A Mickey Mouse Win refers to a win that was given to someone in a competition with little to no effort; In other words an undeserved win. The phrase is used most notably when referring to the Mickey Mouse ring or The Lakers during the 2020 season who many claim were given the ring due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Term is also heavily used in NASCAR and online games/sports of all genres although use is more heavy in sport/competition related games typically with some type of leaderboard. If a person were to get a Mickey Mouse Win in any event, That Same person will be mocked and people will find a way to add "Mickey" and or "Mouse" to their name . Such examples include "LeMickey and the Flakers" and "Mickey Elliott". People will often associate these mickey hybrid characters with made up stories as another way of mocking them, People also edit the mickey teams faces onto Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music videos.
From Urban Dictonary:

A Mickey Mouse Win refers to a win that was given to someone in a competition with little to no effort; In other words an undeserved win. The phrase is used most notably when referring to the Mickey Mouse ring or The Lakers during the 2020 season who many claim were given the ring due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Term is also heavily used in NASCAR and online games/sports of all genres although use is more heavy in sport/competition related games typically with some type of leaderboard. If a person were to get a Mickey Mouse Win in any event, That Same person will be mocked and people will find a way to add "Mickey" and or "Mouse" to their name . Such examples include "LeMickey and the Flakers" and "Mickey Elliott". People will often associate these mickey hybrid characters with made up stories as another way of mocking them, People also edit the mickey teams faces onto Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music videos.
Luffy had to bleed to win most of his major fights.So he was only given the win against fodder antagonists.


Lmao , I don't know what Micky wins means but i'm gonna say it regardless

Luffy vs arlong - He earned it
luffy vs Crocodile - Bullshit (blood as an subtitute to haki was shit writing , oda shouldn't have introduced a logia in the first place this early , later he went to show how cracked admiral logia are and Crocodile goes against them with legit no fear.)
Luffy vs enel - plot armour plot armour no mi
Luffy vs Moria - Nightmare luffy was good ngl.
luffy vs kaku - well deserved
Luffy vs Hordy jones - Actually good well earned
Luffy vs Doflamingo - Definately didn't deserve it , Doflamingo took damage , kept on fighting and luffy ran away mid fight like a bitch , oh wait leeme regain my haki. what MC does this.
luffy vs Katakuri - Again , first kata let him win in the end, he didn't deserve it. also Luffy ranaway mid fight again. wtf is this MC.

Luffy vs Kaido -
  • Kaido fought Scabbards (+ Exhaustion)
  • Kaido lifted the whole Onisghishima (+ Exhaustion )
  • Kaido fought rooftop 5 (Luffy already took his first L here , he didn't run away cuz zoro was carrying him around) (+exhaustion + Damage)
  • Kaido vs luffy part 1 (Luffy takes Second L) (Exhaustion+damage)
  • Kaido fight Yamato (More exhaustion with Damage)
  • Kaido fights luffy Part 2 (Luffy takes Third L) (More damage and Exhaution)
  • Kaido vs luffy part 3 (Asspull luffy awakening recovers his haki and Heals him up)(Kaido limit IG)
No way you can call this fight luffy earned it.
In short post time skip except hordy he didn't earn single valid W for me.
If Luffy was side character like Sanji/Zoro he would get worse Treatment than Kidd. it's plot armour which saves him.
Kid got knocked out by shanks and Ship and crew destroyed and now they are at the bottom of the sea (I'm assuming they are dead but we all know oda) , Luffy was lucky enough to be saved by Law crew , had yamato to cover up for him. zoro took Hakai Damage for him.
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Lmao , I don't know what Micky wins means but i'm gonna say it regardless

Luffy vs arlong - He earned it
luffy vs Crocodile - Bullshit (blood as an subtitute to haki was shit writing , oda shouldn't have introduced a logia in the first place this early , later he went to show how cracked admiral logia are and Crocodile goes against them with legit no fear.)
Luffy vs enel - plot armour plot armour no mi
Luffy vs Moria - Nightmare luffy was good ngl.
luffy vs kaku - well deserved
Luffy vs Hordy jones - Actually good well earned
Luffy vs Doflamingo - Definately didn't deserve it , Doflamingo took damage , kept on fighting and luffy ran away mid fight like a bitch , oh wait leeme regain my haki. what MC does this.
luffy vs Katakuri - Again , first kata let him win in the end, he didn't deserve it. also Luffy ranaway mid fight again. wtf is this MC.

Luffy vs Kaido -
  • Kaido fought Scabbards (+ Exhaustion)
  • Kaido lifted the whole Onisghishima (+ Exhaustion )
  • Kaido fought rooftop 5 (Luffy already took his first L here , he didn't run away cuz zoro was carrying him around) (+exhaustion + Damage)
  • Kaido vs luffy part 1 (Luffy takes Second L) (Exhaustion+damage)
  • Kaido fight Yamato (More exhaustion with Damage)
  • Kaido fights luffy Part 2 (Luffy takes Third L) (More damage and Exhaution)
  • Kaido vs luffy part 3 (Asspull luffy awakening recovers his haki and Heals him up)(Kaido limit IG)
No way you can call this fight luffy earned it.
In short post time skip except hordy he didn't earn single valid W for me.
If Luffy was side character like Sanji/Zoro he would get worse Treatment than Kidd. it's plot armour which saves him.
Kid got knocked out by shanks and Ship and crew destroyed and now they are at the bottom of the sea (I'm assuming they are dead but we all know oda) , Luffy was lucky enough to be saved by Law crew , had yamato to cover up for him. zoro took Hakai Damage for him.
Oda had to pull off gimmicks for Luffy to succeed in the new world because the bar is much higher now.Doflamingo,Cracker,Katakuri and Kaido were all plot wins.


The only one who can beat me is me
Crocodile, Enel, Lucci, Moriah, Doflamingo, Cracker, Katakuri, Kaidou.

8 Mickey Mouse wins for Luffy (handed to him by Oda), only about 2 of these are debatable.
The most important thing about Luffy's wins is that he actually develops a lot during the fight to the extinct that by the end of those fights if he were to go through it again he would win it easier and faster, Thus leaving no doubts about him deserving those wins.

Yes Luffy would still kick Crocodile's ass in Marineford if here were to fight him again that time.