Questions & Mysteries How many of these mysteries will Oda answer

>What is the One Piece
>What is the Will of D
>What happened during the void century
>What is Luffy’s real dream
>What are the ancient weapons
>The ancient kingdom in general
>Who is Imu
>More info on the God Valley incident
>Who was Joyboy
>Where is the all blue
>Voice of all things
>Imu’s giant straw hat
>The prophecy that Luffy will destroy fishman island
>Joyboy’s apology to the fishmen
>Rocky port incident in general
>Tashigi looking like Kuina
>How do we know about the immortality operation
>Sabo & lulusia kingdom
>Edward Weevil in general
>Why can Blackbeard have multiple devil fruits
>Rocks D Xebec in general
>Robin’s period of time with Dragon and the revolutionary army
>What crime did Zunesha commit
>The “future major incident that will go down in history” caused by the straw hat grand fleet
>What were the giant shadows at the end of Thriller Bark
>Why is Tequila Wolf being built
>Nami’s heritage/Oykot kingdom
>Why did roger arrive to laugh tale “too early”
>How inanimate objects eat devil fruits
>Is Usopp the descendant of Mont Blanc Noland
>What is Crocodile’s secret that Ivankov knew
>The giant egg on Roger’s ship
>Emerald city mentioned by Bellamy
>Captain John’s treasure
>Luffy’s mom
>Who sat with Crocus on the cover story
>Dragon’s bounty
>Rayleigh’s bounty
>Willie Gallon identity
First half is going to get answered since many of them overlap or are connected. Second is more touch and go like Usopp and Nami’s lineage are probably not important enough to affect the plot so it will probably not get addressed
definitely will
What is the One Piece
>What is the Will of D
>What happened during the void century
>What is Luffy’s real dream
>What are the ancient weapons
>The ancient kingdom in general
>Who is Imu
>More info on the God Valley incident
>Who was Joyboy
>Where is the all blue
>Voice of all things
>Imu’s giant straw hat
>The prophecy that Luffy will destroy fishman island
>Why did roger arrive to laugh tale “too early”
>Sabo & lulusia kingdom
>Why can Blackbeard have multiple devil fruits
>Rocks D Xebec in general
>Dragon’s bounty (Though probably in SBS or Vivre Card)

Probably will
>Joyboy’s apology to the fishmen
>The “future major incident that will go down in history” caused by the straw hat grand fleet
>What is Crocodile’s secret that Ivankov knew
>Edward Weevil in general
>Rayleigh’s bounty (in SBS)

Probably Won’t
>Rocky port incident in general
>Tashigi looking like Kuina
>How do we know about the immortality operation
>How inanimate objects eat devil fruits
>Is Usopp the descendant of Mont Blanc Noland
>Robin’s period of time with Dragon and the revolutionary army
>What crime did Zunesha commit
>What were the giant shadows at the end of Thriller Bark

Definetly Won’t
>Why is Tequila Wolf being built
>Nami’s heritage/Oykot kingdom
>The giant egg on Roger’s ship
>Emerald city mentioned by Bellamy
>Captain John’s treasure
>Luffy’s mom
>Who sat with Crocus on the cover story
>Willie Gallon identity
definitely will
What is the One Piece
>What is the Will of D
>What happened during the void century
>What is Luffy’s real dream
>What are the ancient weapons
>The ancient kingdom in general
>Who is Imu
>More info on the God Valley incident
>Who was Joyboy
>Where is the all blue
>Voice of all things
>Imu’s giant straw hat
>The prophecy that Luffy will destroy fishman island
>Why did roger arrive to laugh tale “too early”
>Sabo & lulusia kingdom
>Why can Blackbeard have multiple devil fruits
>Rocks D Xebec in general

Probably will
>Joyboy’s apology to the fishmen
>The “future major incident that will go down in history” caused by the straw hat grand fleet
>What is Crocodile’s secret that Ivankov knew
>Edward Weevil in general

Probably Won’t
>Rocky port incident in general
>Tashigi looking like Kuina
>How do we know about the immortality operation
>How inanimate objects eat devil fruits
>Is Usopp the descendant of Mont Blanc Noland
>Robin’s period of time with Dragon and the revolutionary army
>What crime did Zunesha commit
>What were the giant shadows at the end of Thriller Bark

Definetly Won’t
>Why is Tequila Wolf being built
>Nami’s heritage/Oykot kingdom
>The giant egg on Roger’s ship
>Emerald city mentioned by Bellamy
>Captain John’s treasure
>Luffy’s mom
>Who sat with Crocus on the cover story
>Dragon’s bounty
>Rayleigh’s bounty
>Willie Gallon identity
Rayleigh and dragon bounty are guaranteed:endthis:
Rayleigh and dragon bounty are guaranteed:endthis:
It's weird we don't know Rayleigh's yet. If he's saving it it likely means he'll have a big fight some time. Possibly along Shakky, who should also have a bounty.

Dragon's bounty will probably wait until he gets properly introduced in a story arc and he stops being a background character.

But we're definitely getting both.