General & Others How much better would One Piece be without fake deaths?

How much would the story improve without Fake Death’s?

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massively better. pell was probably the most offensive one.
seems like weird editorial decision that sad deaths should usually only be in flashbacks. for villains, oda doesn't want to touch the morality of who luffy kills or doesn't, which is fine i guess

pedro and cobra will be back next week
I wouldnt mind with Pedro if he joins strawhat but Cobra should definitely stay dead
I'm glad Pound's alive. Woulda made the story worse for me if he didn't see his daughters

Fake death seemed like the point for Orochi

Only 2 that got my goat were Pell & Kin.


Year of the black beard!
One Piece lives off from it's amazing twists and rollercoasters. So having a few fake out deaths in the span of 1000+ chapters is just natural for it.
It makes One Piece what it is.
One Piece for me is about a 7.8/10 now if I remove the fake deaths the story becomes a 9.5/10 (by shonen standards)
Death dramatically improves this story for me, but I know some people may feel different . I’m not saying Oda has to kill characters left and right but don’t put so much damn effort into the fake death moments.

leave your thoughts…..

The question you have to ask yourself is, in any of those moments, does the emotional impact dissapear because the death are not ones ?

The answer is no. In reality, I'm still crying because Pell is taking the bomb, I'm still crying for Pound, I'm still crying for Sabo, I'm still crying for Kinemon or for others...

You know why ?

Because death is NOT the reason why you feel things in a story

The emotional impact of stories does not come from deaths, it comes from EMPATHY

When Pell is taking the bomb, we cry because Vivi is crying and feeling despair. When Pound is being slashed, we cry because we understand his situation and the fact that he can't reach his daughter. When Sabo dies, we cry because we feel sad for Luffy and Ace.

Those things, do NOT disappear. And no matter how many times you will rewatch those moments, you will still cry.

So bringing back character in those circounstance absolutely do NOT impact the story in any way. Actually, they enhance it. Because they give us back hope that we lost and potentially give us more moment of reunion.

For example, Luffy meeting Sabo in Dressrosa is iconic BECAUSE Sabo was presumed dead. Pound reunite with his daughter his beautiful BECAUSE we passed through trauma with him. Etc.

But even better, bringing back character keeps us on our toes and keeps us even more in denial when a character really dies. When Pedro dies, its traumatizing because we know that this is real. When Ace dies, its traumatizing because we know that it is real. Fake death are here to trick you into thinking that death in One Piece does not really happen, to strip you from your sences when it really does.

Fake death would only be problematic if it was negating the storyline. In other word, if Pedro lived, it would negate the scene between Sanji and Carrot and if Ace lived, it would negate the entire reason for Luffy to become stronger. But that never happens in One Piece, when a character is brought back, it does not negate anything, it only improves the narrative.

That's why fake death in One Piece are always bonuses and that taking them out would be detrimental to the story.