Questions & Mysteries How would you Rank Luffy, Zoro, Sanji in terms of Fighting Choreography? Who has the best?

Who has the Best Choreography?

  • Luffy

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • Zoro

    Votes: 26 38.2%
  • Sanji

    Votes: 26 38.2%

  • Total voters

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️

Anime: Sanji > Luffy >~ Zoro

Manga: Luffy > Sanji > Zoro


Anime: Zoro ~ Luffy > Sanji

Manga: Luffy > Zoro ~ Sanji

I missed those days where Sanji were kicking ass (figuratively and literally) without using Diable Jambe to burn his opponents' asses off. Now it's just Sanji spamming DJ and land one or two kicks or two. I could be harsh on Zoro here but his pre-timeskip fights is actually very good choreography wise. Post-timeskip, I wouldn't say it got worse or better. I blame on Oda for not be able to draw good sword fights. Bleach and Demon Slayer sword fights makes One Piece sword fights look like a joke. Luffy's fights is not bad really. Lucci fight was absolute peak and the anime make the Luffy vs Lucci fight even better.
Pretimeskip: Luffy > Zoro > Sanji
Post: Zoro > Luffy > Jinbei (Sanji has no fights PoTS)

Post timeskip my gripe with Luffy fights is the extensive amount of assistance he needs from other people. Like he virtually cannot win without the power of friendship. Pretimeskip he put Lucci ass in a body cast for a month. He fucked over Crocodile so bad, he ain’t want nothing to do with Alabasta. He smacked Enel so hard, motherfucker left Earth. He neg diffed Bellamy in one punch.

PoTS: He beat Caesar in thirty minutes. He needed Dressrosa to take down Doffy. I fucking hates that scene. It’s so fucking cringe. What the fuck was he doing for 2 years jerking off in a fucking island when he couldn’t get past Doffy. Cracker he needed Nami and her power of nakamaship. He somehow made Katakuri fucking stab himself.

And now he gets bodied three times by Kaido
Oda fucks Luffy in the ass to add artificial tension to the plot.

Don’t even get me started on the bullshit details like Apoo making Luffy faint while Zoro moves on carrying him while taking his own brunt of the damage. Wtf is Oda smoking
Pretimeskip: Luffy > Zoro > Sanji
Post: Zoro > Luffy > Jinbei (Sanji has no fights PoTS)

Post timeskip my gripe with Luffy fights is the extensive amount of assistance he needs from other people. Like he virtually cannot win without the power of friendship. Pretimeskip he put Lucci ass in a body cast for a month. He fucked over Crocodile so bad, he ain’t want nothing to do with Alabasta. He smacked Enel so hard, motherfucker left Earth. He neg diffed Bellamy in one punch.

PoTS: He beat Caesar in thirty minutes. He needed Dressrosa to take down Doffy. I fucking hates that scene. It’s so fucking cringe. What the fuck was he doing for 2 years jerking off in a fucking island when he couldn’t get past Doffy. Cracker he needed Nami and her power of nakamaship. He somehow made Katakuri fucking stab himself.

And now he gets bodied three times by Kaido
Oda fucks Luffy in the ass to add artificial tension to the plot.

Don’t even get me started on the bullshit details like Apoo making Luffy faint while Zoro moves on carrying him while taking his own brunt of the damage. Wtf is Oda smoking
Jinbei? Jinbei has no fights either lol,


The Road To Harmony
Speaking only in terms of choreography,

Sanji - consistently fun to watch.
Luffy - Ok for the most part, but the highs are the best.
Zoro - Bland usually, but there are some gems.

Oda's sword fights are fairly mediocre, ending with a dash and finish. Ironically, some of the worst looking sword fights came from Wano. Oden vs Kaido is one of the ugliest, most uninspired looking fight in the series. Zoro vs Daz Bones is probably the best one. Luffy's can be meh at times, but the peaks surpass anything the other two have showcased. Sanji's fights are consistently fun to look at due to all the dynamic movements and angles. You can feel the weight that carries each fighter's blow, and in between panels are devoted to the wind ups for a satisfying impact.
Sanji pretty much has none.
Luffy's all-new attacks feel lame and repetitive.
Zoro's attacks are just good to look at due to it being swords skills maybe. Animation is great.
In short, oda sucks in adding choreography(I feel like, except few fights in early series, I did not care about fights at all, just the obvious results.)

Honestly, Ussop, chopper, and nami had some well-crafted fights.

I give Luffy a pass above Sanji just because I think his devil fruit allows for some very interesting things, but Sanji typically has the cleanest and coolest shots. Kicking just provides the coolest, most dynamic poses. The handstands, the bicycle kicks... hell, even his knee block against Vergo just looks so damn good compared to the way Zoro typically just holds his swords in front of him to block things(although clearly less effective...)
Just taking about post time skip here:

1. Luffy- this should be undisputed, the Luffy vs Katakuri fight alone is some of the best in all of One Piece, the last time we saw such a good hands on brawl was Luffy vs Lucci.

2 and 2. Sanji and Zoro - i'm gonna be real here and put them both at the same level not because I think they are equally good or bad, but because they are equally underrepresented. Both Sanji and Zoro haven't had much fights post time skip compared to Luffy, and posttime skip for both of them they haven't gone all out 1v1, which is where we usually see good fighting choreography.

For Zoro, Oda is overusing the 1 shots panels too much, onigiri and lion's song is pretty much zoro's norm now postimeskip. Flying slashes are also abused. Its been a long time since Zoro fought a strong swordsman, so we see much less of his parrying skills and counterattacks now. Zoro vs Kaido and big mom was a good chance to showcase Zoro's fighting choregraphy but once again Oda uses just clashing and impact panels and nothing more, fights are always cut away, cut up in the panels. Hopefully a Zoro vs King 1v1 can change that. Zoro vs Hachi and Zoro vs Kaku had better fight choreography than any of zoro's fights post time skip.

For Sanji, dude doesn't even have a proper 1v1 fight post time skip. Teaming up with jinbe to fight wadastumi and clashing with vergo and doffy both ended badly for Sanji. I also have a problem with Oda just showing the aftermath and not the fight itself like what happened to Sanji vs Page One, there are just too many cuts. Gone are the days of Sanji vs Bon Clay or Sanji vs Jabra. Those fights had some of the best sanji fight choregraphy, we just don't see that anymore post time skip. Hell, some of the post time skip sanji fights don't even match up to Sanji vs Gin back on Baratie.

For both Sanji and Zoro, if we are talking about fight choregraphy 'specifically' and only, not individual clashes or solo attacks, their post time skip showings have both been quite disappointing if i'm being honest.
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I'm only reading this thread to see how one would bullshit their way into trying to convince others and maybe even themselves that in this particular regard Zoro is even a contender :milaugh:
Until this thread I thought it was a given that Mihawk and Mr 1 were two of the most memorable fights in modern shonen. Different breed of fans on WG I guess.

It's not impossible to be indifferent to Zoro's fights but to me that's like having a smell impairment that renders food down to texture and nutrition for you.
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