Character Discussion How You Feel About Certain Characters


The Road To Harmony
This thread is basically your freedom of expression of characters you feel strongly about; whether you like them, dislike them, feel they had wasted potential, or have potential to grow. Disclaimer these are my subjective opinions. Feel free to express yours as well.

For Me

Top Favorites: Luffy, Zoro, Jinbei, Katakuri, Law, Kaido, Boa

Worst Characters: Carrot, Shinobu, Oden, Big Meme, Dr. Hogback, Moria

Wasted Potential: Sanji, Meme, Robin, Koby, X Drake, Bepo

Full of Potential: Franky, Brook, Chopper, Eustass Kid, Boa

(my opinion 180’d) Satisfied Characters: Bege, Killer, Bellamy, Wiper, Kaido

Thoughts on any characters that blew your expectations, rubbed you the wrong way, or you feel can grow in the right track?

@TheKnightOfTheSea @bennbeckman @Paperchampion23 @Jew D. Boy @Cross_Marian @Doggo @rerere @Peroroncino @Luffy bin Dragon @GrandmasterChef Zonji @solis @etccc
Favorites: Tashigi, Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Kuma, Smoker, Issho, Crocodile

Least Favorites: Hogback, Spandam, Law, Caesar, Apoo, Male Vinsmokes(sans Sanji)

Wasted Potential: Ashura Douji, Doflamingo, Pedro, Pound (He fulfilled it, only for Oda to snatch it away), Sulong

Has A Lot Of Potential: Drake, Kidd, Teach, Shanks, Dragon, Im, Coby, Yamato, Kaido, Enel, Vegapunk, Weevil, Ryokugyu

I use to not care for Killer, but he's really turned around for me during Wano. I hated Momo back during Punk Hazard/Dressrosa, but he's slowly turned around. I still don't like him, but there is definitely more to his character, and he's developed fairly well, all things considered.

The Wano Flashback really made me like Roger outside of just a mythic figure. Especially how he's depicted in the anime.

Some characters I haven't mentioned that I find underrated include: Moriah, Kyros, Kaku, Bentham, Brulee, Kin'emon, Sakazuki, Sengoku, Bege