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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Am I wrong?
Evils just winning the game isnt fun, yeah?
Make town suffer by them feeling like they have a fighting chance
You do have a point 😌

From this point forward I dub thee God's right hand


What could have been...

Moon Rabbit was activated to negate 3 night actions

Advanced Haki - Future Sight was activated but it was stopped by moon rabbit

Radio Knife was activated but it was stopped by moon rabbit

Candy Escalator was activated but it was negated by moon rabbit

Omori Kordyodon from King burst ability to janitor superkill ???

Fulgora was activated to redirect it onto ??? But
Conquerors haki Infusion was activated to activated Flambage Shot to redirect that Super kill onto another player

Kizarus ability is still in effect and redirected it randomly to janitor Super kill lemon. De/???

An Amped Impel Down Prisoners to revive and recruit Ripped Cal/Franky and turn them into Vasco Shot

Salome was activated on Cal's Super Frapper Amp to reuse it one more time

Buggy's role was revived

Law has hid behind a player in room

Precense Sensing was activated to see which players gained a Pirate assist

Jinkaku Ishoku Shujutsu was activated

Future Sight was activated

Future Sight Mochi Defense was activated

Candy Arrow was activated to burn one random ability but it was redirected on another player via Kizaru

Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gatling was activated and rolled a 4. 4 actions luffy can destroy

Betting on the new era was activated on Nami

Baroque Works was activated to cult a player

Raimei Hakke was activated to kill Portigas D Ace/TheAncientCenturian

Dayphase begins
why vasco shot and buggy red color

also lots of janitors rip

CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
If by some miracle you're actually town and you got set-up by the redirect, you should be at the very least trying to fight back lol.

Don't just let the misslynch happen.
I am like 50% aware of what's going on now. This game having a few more mechanics/chaos really has had me confused. At times I just DON'T have reads. I really though TAC could be scum, and he was Ace, sooooooooooo

Also I've come to realize I am just horrible at defending myself in general, I'm so fucking passive.

The problem is I read why people think I'm Scum and then nod and go "fuck, they're right, I'm playing like shit". So I don't know how to freaking respond LOL. I should have claimed Town earlier.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
I am like 50% aware of what's going on now. This game having a few more mechanics/chaos really has had me confused. At times I just DON'T have reads. I really though TAC could be scum, and he was Ace, sooooooooooo

Also I've come to realize I am just horrible at defending myself in general, I'm so fucking passive.

The problem is I read why people think I'm Scum and then nod and go "fuck, they're right, I'm playing like shit". So I don't know how to freaking respond LOL. I should have claimed Town earlier.
Stay Calm and follow your gut, maybe you're wrong, maybe you're right stay true to your convictions and continue to dominate
I am like 50% aware of what's going on now. This game having a few more mechanics/chaos really has had me confused. At times I just DON'T have reads. I really though TAC could be scum, and he was Ace, sooooooooooo

Also I've come to realize I am just horrible at defending myself in general, I'm so fucking passive.

The problem is I read why people think I'm Scum and then nod and go "fuck, they're right, I'm playing like shit". So I don't know how to freaking respond LOL. I should have claimed Town earlier.
Kinda towny
Makes me wanna go RA over them
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