And the winner is....
Ladies and Gentlemen, ending the diabolical reign of terror of @Natalija was none other then @Marimo_420 the hero of this game. Ending 5000 years of Serbian tyranny.
Thank you for playing everyone! Ill try and get another one running soon! Seems like people enjoyed it lol.

Ladies and Gentlemen, ending the diabolical reign of terror of @Natalija was none other then @Marimo_420 the hero of this game. Ending 5000 years of Serbian tyranny.

Thank you for playing everyone! Ill try and get another one running soon! Seems like people enjoyed it lol.
1- @Dr_Professor83
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
4- @TheAncientCenturion
5- @Alexis2282AE
6- @Natalija
7- @Worst
8- @Yoho
9- @Jackteo
10- @Rej
11- @Elder Lee Hung
12- @Ratchet
13- @Sentinel
14- @MangoSenpai
15- @Moegara
16- @EkkoLoJinx
17- @BoaHancocksHusband
18- @soupongo
19- @Tyki_Mikk
20- @Owl Ki
21- @BillSlipton
22- @Warchief Sanji D Goat
23- @Veku
24- @Score
25- @Crying bc no Cryo
26- @GeneralP123
27- @NotTommy
28- @LogicoftheVI
29- @Paragorn
30- @Smores
31- @Kagumon
32- @Poorsalino Cooker
33- @SakazOuki
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @MonochromeYoru
36- @Flower
37- @GalaxyLevelShanks
38- @Hellon
39- @TheKnightOfTheSea
40- @Kizaruber Eats
41- @Reborn
42- @zenox
43- @Jaguark101
44- @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
45- @matt245
46- @Marimo_420
47- @Kōri no kokyū
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
4- @TheAncientCenturion
5- @Alexis2282AE
6- @Natalija
7- @Worst
8- @Yoho
9- @Jackteo
10- @Rej
11- @Elder Lee Hung
12- @Ratchet
13- @Sentinel
14- @MangoSenpai
15- @Moegara
16- @EkkoLoJinx
17- @BoaHancocksHusband
18- @soupongo
19- @Tyki_Mikk
20- @Owl Ki
21- @BillSlipton
22- @Warchief Sanji D Goat
23- @Veku
24- @Score
25- @Crying bc no Cryo
26- @GeneralP123
27- @NotTommy
28- @LogicoftheVI
29- @Paragorn
30- @Smores
31- @Kagumon
32- @Poorsalino Cooker
33- @SakazOuki
34- @Yo Tan Wa
35- @MonochromeYoru
36- @Flower
37- @GalaxyLevelShanks
38- @Hellon
39- @TheKnightOfTheSea
40- @Kizaruber Eats
41- @Reborn
42- @zenox
43- @Jaguark101
44- @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
45- @matt245
46- @Marimo_420
47- @Kōri no kokyū