Alright I am known as the Conejo Master
1st Passive is a flavor one stating that I am spiritually connected to my conejos
2nd is the main meat of my role, my abilities basically run on an ammo system of conejos
Some abilities cost more than others and I would get refilled some bullets every cycle
My main ability is called Cursed Emission, I activate it and can send conejos to fellas
There is the Playful Conejo which is what I use to send conejos to fellas for fun
Pacifist Conejo which lets me block a targets offensive abilities
Love Conejo which is my protect
And the PR Conejo which gives PR to fellas if I wished, though I stopped usin it to prevent spam lol
There is two other abilities that more or less functions as reloads
Conejo Renaissance refills most my bullets
Conejo Circus raised my bullet cap after Night 3
@Dr_Professor83 action list is coming next