Break Week I have seen a bunch of people mad with oda's explanation for DFs, in ALL honesty, what did you guys expect???

Why delay the reveal for 1000s of chapters if it's such a mid idea?

This could have easily been a small speech at the start of the series and literally nothing would have changed.
This is the same author who kept Shakky being a former princess of the women island a "mystery" for 500 chapters just because.



Giant tree?

Falling from heaven?

What were your bets?

And why does the "Will and desire bring it to fruition" made so many people mad? I mean, will is a BIG theme in OPs verse, haki is literally will applied as powersystem.
There's this Adam tree theory where the fruit was forbidden.
In one piece this is tree which connect Fishmen island and redline. They got many fruit. Also it's the National treasure Doflamingo talked about.
This theory was good enough than people imagination making stuff up.