Shanks doesn't care when he has nothing to prove to a nobody, this is like a street fighter challenging an MMA fighter why would they care you're not a threat, however when you point a gun at Shanks prepare to die (seems this part is missed?)
Shanks doesn't care when he has nothing to prove to a nobody, this is like a street fighter challenging an MMA fighter why would they care you're not a threat, however when you point a gun at Shanks prepare to die (seems this part is missed?)
It was also a lesson to Luffy to show that being a Pirate doesn't mean engaging in senseless violence. Fighting would put Makino, Luffy and co. in danger. So he simply let it slide, and that's exactly what Luffy did against Bellamy.
You also seem to miss the fact that Shanks was going to get violent regardless of a gun being pulled or not, Higuma kidnapped Luffy. As long as a comrade is in danger, violence is sanctioned is the philosophy.
This isn't true, you do realize that they've been travelling with Shanks for over a decade right? Comparing Luffy, Zoro, & Usopp situation doesn't compare when they've been travelling for like 2 - 3 months (in OP time) this is why Zoro checks Luffy and he agrees this isn't pirate games. Yasopp correcting his captain is pulled out of no-where, and backed by nothing.
It's principle.
Shanks and Luffy were being soft, Yassopp and Zoro corrected them. Actions have nothing to do with length of time. An action done on day one will still have the same principles if done 10 years later if the situation is similar as it is here.
People get corrected and reprimanded at every stage. A correction at 3 months experience is still a correction if done 15 years later.

Yassopp is backed up by the fact that an Emperor's reputation being taken lightly will lead to more invasions of that territory, and result in deaths. Seems you didn't read that part of the story.
Yes. all of this to say Shanks cares about his Yonko/Emperor status cause he has people to protect. You can make fun of Shanks sure, but threatening Shanks and questioning his status and/or strength is a killable offence
There is really nothing to debate about:
- We all know Shanks will defend himself from being killed.
Mihawk insulting shanks is just banter, they are drinking buddies as well, and in general, he wouldn't kill someone over a mere insult. He's not sensitive.
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