If People Stopped Arguing Here to Boost Low Self Esteem, Then The Posts Would Stop Entirely

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Almost nobody here is a positive person.

And nearly everyone has low self esteem.

It's why they argue so much. It's antisocial.

This place has an antisocial culture because the only people on ALL THE TIME have extremely low self esteem and it makes them try to argue to get small self esteem boosts.

If this place removed everyone who shows antisocial qualities, it would have like maybe 6-12 people remaining but the other 10s of thousands would be removed.
Debate with bad reasoning skills and a lack of respect for each other, you mean.

You guys use anecdotal evidence (stories) and other fallacious forms of reasoning including attacking the character of others as one of your go-to strategies (because you refuse to acknowledge their arguments).

There is a healthy way to argue, and there is an unhealthy way. You guys promote the unhealthy way to argue and you look at it like it's a way to feel like a man and assert your dominance- that is crazy, and I would even argue sociopathic.

You don't need to knock other people down to "feel like a man". You actually show you're more of a man by not doing that.
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