Character Discussion If Zoro fans weren’t toxic would he get any hate?

The common problem with Zoro & Sanji fans (about each other) I encounter since Onemanga & Mangatraders era is that Zoro fans likes to mock/trashtalk Sanji (and his fans) due to his good treatment/portrayal in the manga, especially compared to Sanji's.

Sanji fans on the other hand are mostly delusional thinking Sanji is equal (in power) to Zoro, or any other more powerful opponent, especially with the "speed argument". Also over glorifying his Mr Prince moments thinking it's the most important thing in any arc.

I often side with Sanji (and his fans) more because being delusional is much harmless than being insulting.
You literally agreed to two categorisation of Yonkou tier 🤡🤡.
No I said I’ll agree that they aren’t equal
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I believe separting emperor level into tiers saturates the ranking. I’m order to be emporer level you have to be able to take big mom to extreme diff solo. I don’t believe any of those characters can.
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Sanji fans fans try to tie Sanji to Zoro and tie all of his opponents to Zoro ignoring feats completely. The difference is Zoro fans try to down play everyone that isn’t a swordsman to overhype Zoro. Zoro fans have no limits Sanji fans stop at Zoro for the most part.
@Cruxroux read
@grey matter Perfectly summed it up

Zoro is caught in the middle of almost every agenda there is in the OP community. If anything he actually missed one

The whole Mihawk vs Shanks debate is one of the worst things that has plagued our community for at least a decade

Guess who's also caught in the middle of that? Zoro due to his connection to Mihawk
I didn't include Mihawk/Shanks thing here, because it is largely the same 4 fanbases (mainly Luffy/Sanji fanbases) that push extreme agenda against Mihawk.
From what I see, the (standalone) Shanks fanbase is largely fine with Mihawk being relative to Shanks, they just want Shanks to be a bit stronger. It is the fanbases I mentioned that push the agenda of Mihawk being fodder/trash, because he is gonna be surpassed by EoS Zoro.

Ultimately, anti Zoro agenda mainly pushed by four fanbases I mentioned.

Nobody cared about zoro until you guys started claiming nonsense during DR
Everyone knew zoro is below Luffy and was content with that

Zoro fans are the biggest craziest fans
Sanji and luffy fans don't go making threats, insulting many, they don't pull up users pictures from their social networks them mock them
Firstly, the question was whether Zoro would get hated on if not for Zoro fans. The answer is obviously yes, because absence of Zoro fans won't magically remove the agendas from other fanbases.

Secondly, you have no self awareness lmao, you do the same stuff the craziest of Zoro fans does with the agendas, classic case of pot calling the kettle black. You for example, also would be throwing agenda and vitriol on Zoro even if there were no Zoro fans, I am sure of that.
I have seen tons of personal insults, threats etc thrown by Luffy/Sanji fans, it isn't exclusive to Zoro fans, at least try being a bit honest here. Hard with the extreme bias/agenda you have, I know
The common problem with Zoro & Sanji fans (about each other) I encounter since Onemanga & Mangatraders era is that Zoro fans likes to mock/trashtalk Sanji (and his fans) due to his good treatment/portrayal in the manga, especially compared to Sanji's.

Sanji fans on the other hand are mostly delusional thinking Sanji is equal (in power) to Zoro, or any other more powerful opponent, especially with the "speed argument". Also over glorifying his Mr Prince moments thinking it's the most important thing in any arc.

I often side with Sanji (and his fans) more because being delusional is much harmless than being insulting.
Being Sanji fans means being a fan of worthless, ungrateful, waste of space and time trash who:
- cooks razor and poison to his own teammates

This shouldn't be taken as gag or comedy anymore. Imagine cooking razor and poison to your own family. This is legit crime

- kicked his own captain

This ungrateful bastard knew they were in middle of Yonko Headquarters, this bastard knew his captain was tired after fighting Cracker. Yet he still kicked him
Result: Luffy got captured by Enraged Army.

If I said before WCI arc, Sanji would bake cake for 1 person and kick another one to the face. With the choices being Luffy and Linlin.
If I said the truth that Sanji kicked Luffy to face while made cake for Linlin, Sanjifans would get triggered and calling me nonsense hater. Yet this is what actually happened.

- This dumbass also rather thinking with his dick rather than with his brain.

Idiot knew they were fighting against not one but 2 Yonkos, Beast Pirates and Wano samurai. Yet this idiot chose to wasting his time looking for hoes.

- Nami and Usopp were almost killed while Sanji was still busy with Black Maria.
- Sanji became punching bag to Black Maria and her goons.

So I still wonder why there are few people who still choose to be a fans for this trash. What do they see in this trash? Do we even read the same manga?
He will because he inevitably damages agendas. This is an assumption that there are no toxic Zoro fans but there are still toxic fans of other major characters:

You are a Luffy or Sanji fanboy? You would fell insecure after Thriller bark or after he stopped hakai. Also when Sanji fanboyed him when he used Enma for the first time, any toxic Sanji fan would attack Zoro at that point.

Toxic Kaido fan? Zoro managed to injure him with Asura and that would stem hate too.

YC1 fans will downplay him and/or King to keep him under the eventual Katakuri, or other YC1s. But honestly I don't see many YC1 fans, only one comes to mind.
I didn't include Mihawk/Shanks thing here, because it is largely the same 4 fanbases (mainly Luffy/Sanji fanbases) that push extreme agenda against Mihawk.
From what I see, the (standalone) Shanks fanbase is largely fine with Mihawk being relative to Shanks, they just want Shanks to be a bit stronger. It is the fanbases I mentioned that push the agenda of Mihawk being fodder/trash, because he is gonna be surpassed by EoS Zoro.

Ultimately, anti Zoro agenda mainly pushed by four fanbases I mentioned.

Firstly, the question was whether Zoro would get hated on if not for Zoro fans. The answer is obviously yes, because absence of Zoro fans won't magically remove the agendas from other fanbases.

Secondly, you have no self awareness lmao, you do the same stuff the craziest of Zoro fans does with the agendas, classic case of pot calling the kettle black. You for example, also would be throwing agenda and vitriol on Zoro even if there were no Zoro fans, I am sure of that.
I have seen tons of personal insults, threats etc thrown by Luffy/Sanji fans, it isn't exclusive to Zoro fans, at least try being a bit honest here. Hard with the extreme bias/agenda you have, I know
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say Mihawk is fodder or trash. Mihawk probably above most admirals.
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He will because he inevitably damages agendas. This is an assumption that there are no toxic Zoro fans but there are still toxic fans of other major characters:

You are a Luffy or Sanji fanboy? You would fell insecure after Thriller bark or after he stopped hakai. Also when Sanji fanboyed him when he used Enma for the first time, any toxic Sanji fan would attack Zoro at that point.

Toxic Kaido fan? Zoro managed to injure him with Asura and that would stem hate too.

YC1 fans will downplay him and/or King to keep him under the eventual Katakuri, or other YC1s. But honestly I don't see many YC1 fans, only one comes to mind.
I’m a Luffy fan and Zoro had the best moment in TB in my opinion.
If you read the story by yourself... you'd probably like all the characters.

I mean it would be weird if you didn't. Wouldn't it?
Not really? There are many works of media I enjoy that have characters that I couldn't jive with for one reason or another. Hell even at a time when I enjoyed One Piss at a time where I rarely, if ever, interacted with the community, I never really like Sanji, and grew to dislike him heavy during Enies Lobby. It's a matter of preference.
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The fact is that Loda purposefully write the characters in a way to create heated discussion to manufacture drama, which bring eyes to One Piss, which in turn generates greater profit. It's the reason why the power between most of the characters that matter are vague as fuck. It just so happens that Zoro is the perfect character to cause controversy when it comes to power levels, which is further emphasized by Loda making Zoro rarely use abilities such as Asura, whereas Luffy and Sanji get to use their powerups much more frequently throughout the story. He shows the capabilities to perform at the level of Luffy, but he's never really given the chance to take on such a challenge, and his main opponents have the same standing at Sanji's in terms of hierarchy, and they even have rivalries between one another similar to Sanji. Naturally this causes controversy between the Zoro fandom and the Luffy/Sanji fandoms, where both of the latter know that their characters would benefit from Zoro being within Sanji's range of Zoro, while the Zoro fans would prefer their character to be seen as a peer, superior even in rare cases, to Luffy.

This only further exacerbated by the likes of many other fandoms like Law, Yonkos, Admirals, etc. that have something to gain or lose from Zoro's standing in power. Law and Kidd fans love the "Captain" parallel to Luffy, and since Zoro is a subordinate to Luffy, they both would have something to gain to downplay Zoro severely below Luffy to further cement the "Captain" parallel as a genuine thing. The Yonkos and Admirals fans knows that many in the One Piss fanbase would see a loss to Luffy as a preferable outcome compared to losing to Zoro, and Luffy will be the usual suspect in taking them down, they unsurprisingly take a little time out to wank Luffy, especially the Yonko fanbase since Luffy is a Yonko now, and don't really care to do the same for Zoro.

Shanks fans have the rivalry with Mihawk, and as Mihawk has little to go off on in terms of battle feats, Shank fans indirectly attack Mihawk by underrate Zoro as Zoro's achievements in battle elevate Mihawk's power until their fated final bout.

All of this to say that the Zoro fanbase are practically reenacting the 300 movie against legions of many other fanbases within the fanbase, and the thing is that much of this was purposefully orchestrated by Loda himself, and such toxicity could of been alleviated in many ways. One way is to simply making the power of all these characters, including Zoro, more clear to make the extreme opinions on these character's standing of power less justifiable. Another way would be to make Zoro less dependent on the fights. Focus on other aspects of Zoro character and dream because as it now stands the single most prominent character trait of Zoro is his strength, and as such unless things change, the vast majority of the discussion around this character will be about power scaling.

These things wouldn't completely expunge the toxicity between the fanbases, but they'll give these fanbases other avenues in the story to use their energy on, and would remove a lot of the headcanon that has found homes within the community thanks to Loda's inability to make things clear cut when it comes to the fighting aspect of One Piss.

And in all honesty people wouldn't be so quick to downplay Zoro if he wasn't a part of the Straw Hats as Luffy's status as captain plays a major factor in all of this shenanigans. He'd be judged in the likes of Law where people wouldn't be so quick to put him in a tier below Luffy since this alternative Zoro couldn't be judged by the Straw Hat hierarchy, and people would be more open to the idea of Zoro being at least on the tier of power to Luffy.
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I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say Mihawk is fodder or trash. Mihawk probably above most admirals.
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I’m a Luffy fan and Zoro had the best moment in TB in my opinion.
Dude, I've been checking online discourse of OP only for like 2-3 years, and the massive downplay Mihawk was getting was countless.

A sizable portion of the fanbase even refused to acknowledge Mihawk being a top tier prior to the bounty reveal, calling him "YC1+", though that has since bounty reveal dwindled to few crazies.
Mihawk gets downplayed cause of Vista a lot, while most of the same people have no issues admitting admirals didn't go all out when they were stalled by commanders. Look at all the Vista rival threads here and note who they are coming from. Not from Shanks fans, but usually from Luffy or Sanji fans.
A sizeable fanbase always said stuff like "Shanks grew since he stopped dueling with Mihawk", as if only one arm Shanks can grow stronger but Mihawk with both arms that he drew with for years will just start stagnating for whatever reason.

In this forum, after Zoro, Mihawk gets the most amount of threads downplaying him. And you're saying you haven't seen it lol
Dude, I've been checking online discourse of OP only for like 2-3 years, and the massive downplay Mihawk was getting was countless.

A sizable portion of the fanbase even refused to acknowledge Mihawk being a top tier prior to the bounty reveal, calling him "YC1+", though that has since bounty reveal dwindled to few crazies.
Mihawk gets downplayed cause of Vista a lot, while most of the same people have no issues admitting admirals didn't go all out when they were stalled by commanders. Look at all the Vista rival threads here and note who they are coming from. Not from Shanks fans, but usually from Luffy or Sanji fans.
A sizeable fanbase always said stuff like "Shanks grew since he stopped dueling with Mihawk", as if only one arm Shanks can grow stronger but Mihawk with both arms that he drew with for years will just start stagnating for whatever reason.

In this forum, after Zoro, Mihawk gets the most amount of threads downplaying him. And you're saying you haven't seen it lol
The most I’ve seen is people say he’s a fraud but I took it as trolling. YC1+ is nuts though.
Being Sanji fans means being a fan of worthless, ungrateful, waste of space and time trash who:
- cooks razor and poison to his own teammates

This shouldn't be taken as gag or comedy anymore. Imagine cooking razor and poison to your own family. This is legit crime

- kicked his own captain

This ungrateful bastard knew they were in middle of Yonko Headquarters, this bastard knew his captain was tired after fighting Cracker. Yet he still kicked him
Result: Luffy got captured by Enraged Army.

If I said before WCI arc, Sanji would bake cake for 1 person and kick another one to the face. With the choices being Luffy and Linlin.
If I said the truth that Sanji kicked Luffy to face while made cake for Linlin, Sanjifans would get triggered and calling me nonsense hater. Yet this is what actually happened.

- This dumbass also rather thinking with his dick rather than with his brain.

Idiot knew they were fighting against not one but 2 Yonkos, Beast Pirates and Wano samurai. Yet this idiot chose to wasting his time looking for hoes.

- Nami and Usopp were almost killed while Sanji was still busy with Black Maria.
- Sanji became punching bag to Black Maria and her goons.

So I still wonder why there are few people who still choose to be a fans for this trash. What do they see in this trash? Do we even read the same manga?
Well, it can be either :

1. People who only care about the end result (Sanji's character development from EL, Sanji-Robin relationship) rather than the process (leaving Usopp Nami, wasting time getting beaten by BM)

2. People who thinks his good outweigh his bad.

These people would be a fan of someone no matter how poor the author's treatment to them (e.g AoT's Eren) or how questionable their action is (e.g Naruto's Itachi).