Break Week I'll never understand people who hate Usopp

I binge watched a hentai show thanks to the blond thick girl in your avi, the main character could have been better tbh, but the girls were fine.
Dude that show was ass.
Generally hentai is ass but that show was complete buns.
Anyway, back on topic.
Usopp's problem is that he can't even win fights anymore, and he can't show just a mere morsel of strength and bravery either.
I get his goal is to be a brave, strong warrior of the sea, which is hard for him, but come the hell on.
A good majority of the crew is getting closer to their goals and Usopp is still being a pussy, still talking about running away from fights and all that.
It pisses me off, and at this point I'm really tired of using his Dressrosa feats to carry him to the top.