Powers & Abilities Imu has a Devil Fruit or not?

Both main options are extremely cool


What do you think is the route Oda chose?

At this point is clear that Im and the Gorosei are fighters, even up close physically

I have also read the theory that the Gorosei don't even exist, or rather just exist as creations of Im's Devil Fruit power using ink to enliven them
But I find it has many flaws

The devil of the sea is also a safe option
It's interesting that Im dwells up into a castle, as in the furthest place from the sea
This may be a metaphor of something (or just the umpteenth red herring)

Place your bet

In any case I think it's nice is that Imu is x10000 more characterized than the awful Kaguya, Oda is doing pretty well, the character is absolutely intriguing and menacing, and the atmosphere of Pangea Castle only helps
It will just be another mythical Zoan prone to the same weaknesses (water, sea stone, darkness). Even Nika turned out to be one. It won't be some crazy stuff like Imu being a natural devil or mother sea. It's now established (s)he was just one of 20 dudes who established the WG and got Ope immortality.
Yes, normal human with a DF. Basically implied last chapter and usually characters theorizing in the story is a way for Oda to loosely give background on the character.

Imu is an immortal King (likely a child or young-ish) that ate some sort of monstrous DF.
It’s just a DF, I think a western dragon one and that’s where the Celestial Dragon’s obsession comes from.

Should be different enough from Kaido because it’ll have wings in hybrid so will have more mobility options. Maybe at the cost of not having the floating flame things, since I assume that’s an eastern dragon thing.
Both main options are extremely cool


What do you think is the route Oda chose?

At this point is clear that Im and the Gorosei are fighters, even up close physically

I have also read the theory that the Gorosei don't even exist, or rather just exist as creations of Im's Devil Fruit power using ink to enliven them
But I find it has many flaws

The devil of the sea is also a safe option
It's interesting that Im dwells up into a castle, as in the furthest place from the sea
This may be a metaphor of something (or just the umpteenth red herring)

Place your bet

In any case I think it's nice is that Imu is x10000 more characterized than the awful Kaguya, Oda is doing pretty well, the character is absolutely intriguing and menacing, and the atmosphere of Pangea Castle only helps
The creator origin of all Devil Fruit please :neesama: