Chapter Discussion In Defense of Sanjino

Yes however, Hells Memories is the intensifying and increasing Sanjis flames. It’s not a kick. That’s why the kick on Wadatsumi and Queen are two different types of kicks however the flames are the same.

That’s what this is, Ifrit Jambes flames increasing to the point where the flames dwarf Sanji itself.

Hell Memories is the fire, not the kick.
Bro, it's the same attack, whether against Wadatsumi, Queen, or in the previous chapter, it's the same move
If it was Zoro he'd just use the blunt side of his blades to bat luffy along with the rest of them.

Sanji is using a kick, that also happens to be the strongest move in his arsenal, his ultimate attack in terms of ap, and it's reduced to being used in this manner, along with other fodder like bonney and franky.

I remember when sanjitards used to seriously use Luffy letting sanji hit him in WCI to HYPE up his AP, now Luffy is asking Sanji to hit him, he uses his strongest move, and it does jack shit. :milaugh: Luffy couldn't even make a joke or just react in g5 like "ouch, this will leave might leave scar" but Zoro on the rooftop is scarring Kaido. Luffy, who in g5 gets cut by some weak ass wind slashes from Kaido, eats sanjis strongest move like nothing.

It just goes to show that in terms of lethality Zoro is in another world, "hells memories" whereas we got the King of Hell :goyea:
Let these bozos jerk off to their dreams of Zoro, a swordsman who cuts stuff and that would be completely useless during 1119, beating Gear 5 or something, i mean, its all this is about apparently.
Fast forward to 1120, the not-pushed Nasujuro took damage from Atlas before a Zoro, now bleeding and running!