Powers & Abilities Interesting reactions from each warlord knowing that they are being chased

Strongest warlord based on last chapter portrayal

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People are selling Hancock far too short. She is the sole CoC's user confirmed among the Warlords, has one of the most OP fruits out there (even a trace of lust is supposed to be enough to be turned into stone), probably some monstrous mastery of Haki and from a culture of brutal warriors. She basically did whatever shit she wanted to do at Marineford, and nobody dared question her. And think about her Awakening, if she has mastered it ! It must be monstrous.

Remember that she got to enter Impel Down and went to the lowest level, which was unprecedented. It was a request she was granted in spite of her pirate status. That's how much the WG was willing to accomodate her : pardon her attack against the Marines sent to get them, allow her in Impel Down, disregard her actions against Smoker, the Pacifista and other Marines. Because she's strong that way.

Add to that her sisters and her crew who, while considerably weaker, were never shown to truly fight seriously (they played with Luffy most of the time and tried one serious attack, which was countered) and the Marine's fodder will be slaughtered.

Mihawk's probably at the top, but Hancock and Weevil are probably at least as strong as Doflamingo, and he was able to go toe to toe with an Admiral. Perhaps Boa will be defeated by Ryokugyou (that's a given he'll be facing him, he was introduced as wanting a beautiful girl to serve him food, Kizaru is interested in Weevil and Fujitora as a swordman certainly want to duel Mihawk).
First there is Buggy, now no disrespect to Buggy, he is obviously pirate king level++++ lmao. In all seriously though, obviously Buggy is a pussy character like Usopp and his reaction was that of fear. He wants to haul ass as soon as possible, and let his goons hold back Stainless (Vice admiral that attacked Buggy)

I mean obviously Buggy is not a very strong character so this makes sense that his reaction is to try to get out of the harms way as soon as possible before he gets hurt. Despite having so many people around him ready to die for him, he is still scared out of his mind.

Now unlock Buggy, Boa is obviously not scared shit less like Buggy but she is also not ecstatic about the situation. Like if she could reverse the situation she would, but if push comes to shove her alongside her army, she is willing to fight and provide resistance. I am sure she knows she can handle current wave that Marines have sent to capture her, which is obviously led by Coby but it is really what follows that she maybe worried about. Perhaps the scare of an admiral coming next

Now Weevil isn't scared and is ready to fight but the problem is Weevil is clearly portrayed as a dumbfuck. I doubt he thinks long term about what it could mean if he just kills the first wave that Marines sent. I doubt he is thinking about long term consequences like an admiral coming after him. Still I think Weevil is stronger than Hancock

This is the one that is the most telling imo, I mean obviously most people already knew but there are still very small group who doesn't think Mihawk is as strong as author is really trying to portray him as. We know Mihawk is very smart and calculated, thinks long term, asses every situation which is why he asked Perona to leave his Island. But despite being a long term thinker, there is not an ounce of fear in Mihawk living alone in a deserted castle. Doesn't care if a buster call comes after him, if an admiral comes after him, if Marines straight up declare war on him. He is very excited that Marines are going to fight him, which should really tell you several things

First that Mihawk barely gives any fucks about his warlord title, forget about feeling distressed or even disappointed, this motherfucker is excited that Marines are after him. Which puts a very bright light on what Mihawk's Vivre card says about him fighting and defeating every strong swordsman there is to defeat until there is no challenge left. Also puts light on him calling Shanks one armed has been, it wasn't Mihawk talking shit to Shanks, its just that in his mind Shanks is not a challenge anymore. Which is why Mihawk's character is all about him getting bored with life, there is no real challenge for him left. Until this news of course, with this new Mihawk can perhaps be challenged by strongest of Vice Admirals, multiple vice admrials or perhaps even admirals. Mihawk is literally trembling over exictement right now which should also tell you how far below himself he truly considered Vista who he didn't even bother paying attention to early on and then asked him to end the fight. If Vista was even a tiny bit interesting challenge, Mihawk would go out of his way to continue his fight with him despite Marines deploying pacifistas or getting ready for execution.

In the four reaction panels, Oda really displayed what most fans already know, Mihawk >> Other warlords >> Buggy.

@Admiral Lee Hung @Light D Lamperouge @TheAncientCenturion @comrade @Monkey D Theories @Reborn @HA001 @Erkan12 @Jo_Ndule
Yeah, Mihawk's reaction was most savage. Hancock isn't afraid but she's taking it serious. Mihawk on the other hand doesn't give a fuck, no, he is excited.

Also note that in Mihawk's case, the highest number of Marine ships is displayed, despite the fact he is alone, while Boa has all her warriors which are notorious for their Haki. Same goes for Buggy's crew, which has even former Impel Down prisoners Whitebeard called strong-looking. One could say that there are surely more ships off screen, but we know Oda likes such details.

The thing is, in Mihawk's case, it could as well be 100 marine battle ships. He could destroy them with a single attack.

Just look at how a marine battleship looks compared to the ice berg he cut. Like a toothpick.

Mihawk cut that ice berg with utmost ease; no visible strain, no Haki involved.

While the other Shichibukai will be forced to let the marine battleships dock, Mihawk can one shot them from distance while sitting in his castle.
Oda replicated the same background effect 900 chapters later

Same background effect

Same result

I agree :cool:
In any case, Mihawk has already destroyed 100 ships pretimeskip (before his introduction).
I like that Sanji 's mentor talked in such high regard for Mihawk and I like how Oda hype him like hell with his title (strongest swordsman in One Piece) and also with that epic panel where he cut in half that giant galleon with his pocket knife.
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People are selling Hancock far too short. She is the sole CoC's user confirmed among the Warlords, has one of the most OP fruits out there (even a trace of lust is supposed to be enough to be turned into stone), probably some monstrous mastery of Haki and from a culture of brutal warriors. She basically did whatever shit she wanted to do at Marineford, and nobody dared question her. And think about her Awakening, if she has mastered it ! It must be monstrous.

Remember that she got to enter Impel Down and went to the lowest level, which was unprecedented. It was a request she was granted in spite of her pirate status. That's how much the WG was willing to accomodate her : pardon her attack against the Marines sent to get them, allow her in Impel Down, disregard her actions against Smoker, the Pacifista and other Marines. Because she's strong that way.

Add to that her sisters and her crew who, while considerably weaker, were never shown to truly fight seriously (they played with Luffy most of the time and tried one serious attack, which was countered) and the Marine's fodder will be slaughtered.

Mihawk's probably at the top, but Hancock and Weevil are probably at least as strong as Doflamingo, and he was able to go toe to toe with an Admiral. Perhaps Boa will be defeated by Ryokugyou (that's a given he'll be facing him, he was introduced as wanting a beautiful girl to serve him food, Kizaru is interested in Weevil and Fujitora as a swordman certainly want to duel Mihawk).
What are you talking?
Don Flamingo CoC, Black Beard CoC both former Shishibukay and Hancock
Mihawk my head-canon he got CoC but that my head-canon.
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People are selling Hancock far too short. She is the sole CoC's user confirmed among the Warlords, has one of the most OP fruits out there (even a trace of lust is supposed to be enough to be turned into stone), probably some monstrous mastery of Haki and from a culture of brutal warriors. She basically did whatever shit she wanted to do at Marineford, and nobody dared question her. And think about her Awakening, if she has mastered it ! It must be monstrous.

Remember that she got to enter Impel Down and went to the lowest level, which was unprecedented. It was a request she was granted in spite of her pirate status. That's how much the WG was willing to accomodate her : pardon her attack against the Marines sent to get them, allow her in Impel Down, disregard her actions against Smoker, the Pacifista and other Marines. Because she's strong that way.

Add to that her sisters and her crew who, while considerably weaker, were never shown to truly fight seriously (they played with Luffy most of the time and tried one serious attack, which was countered) and the Marine's fodder will be slaughtered.

Mihawk's probably at the top, but Hancock and Weevil are probably at least as strong as Doflamingo, and he was able to go toe to toe with an Admiral. Perhaps Boa will be defeated by Ryokugyou (that's a given he'll be facing him, he was introduced as wanting a beautiful girl to serve him food, Kizaru is interested in Weevil and Fujitora as a swordman certainly want to duel Mihawk).
yeah true. While I do think that Mihawk is the strongest of the warlords, dissing on Hancock ain't cool. I always saw her being a part of the strongest warlord trio (mihawk, doffy, Hancock). Her and Mihawk were the last two warlords left of the original 7 before the Reverie. The fact that Oda had Coby sent to capture hancock, pretty much tells me that she will be just fine, either she will whoop Coby's ass, or Coby will let her go, knowing he's messing with Luffy's waifu.
Weirdly, I think Boa looked the strongest based on her portrayal lol.

I’m not saying she’s actually stronger than Weevil or Mihawk, I’m just saying her being last on the reaction list/her commenting about her own strength made her look stronger than Weevil or Mihawk in that moment, imo lol
She's a confident character. What else did you expect?

That being said, she's definitely not as strong as Mihawk. Weevil is also at least a high tier, potentially a top tier or YC1-ish in strength, so again, probably not