For now there are Two Confirmed Facts imo:
1. Oden wasn't the one who Healed Scabbards, it's a Different Person which means Oden isn't Alone
2. The 2nd Person was Crying even though Scabbards were Unconscious so they were Real Tears & not Pretending
This means that Oden & that 2nd Person are truly Allies of Scabbards & not Deceiving them
So who is 2nd Person?
Judging by their Silhouette, they are Normal Sized Human & don't have Long Head & also have Long Hair near their Ears
Also Kawamatsu said he caught a Glimpse of who it was but he considered it Impossible
From this we conclude that 2nd Person is either Hiyori or Toki
So this Oden is someone who is accompanying either Hiyori or Toki
And there are only Two Possibilities: Real Oden or Onimaru (The Fox)
Also seeing how Kawamatsu deemed what he saw Impossible, further proves that it was truly either Hiyori or Toki which could be the reason Oda chose Kawamatsu specifically to say that Phrase
And if it's Toki, then this Oden can only be Real Oden & to be honest, Onimaru have no business appearing as Oden, we actually never saw him meet Oden too so how was he able to Perfectly Mimic him?
Not to mention that Oden before being Executed, told Kaido that he doesn't want to Die there, it wasn't his Time yet
From all these Hints, it seems that The Two helping Scabbards are indeed Toki & Real Oden
But how did Oden survive?
For starters, this is 39 Year Old Oden, he isn't 59 obviously so he clearly Traveled in Time but when did he have Time to?
We know that Toki can't Send People to the Past so the Option that says "Oden once Traveled to the Future & then got Back" cannot be True & it's obvious why Oda would add such Rule, because it would Complicate the Timeline & create Plot Holes & Paradoxes
But what if Toki Awakened her DF & she is able to completely Create a Copy of Someone in the Future
Just like Doffy who instead of "Creating Strings" he became able to Turn Things into Strings when using "Awakening"
Maybe Toki instead of "Sending People to Future" she becomes able to "Re-Create them in the Future"
So this is Oden 2.0 who appeared in the Future in case Oden 1.0 is Defeated & maybe he only Lives same as Oden 1.0
For example, let's say Toki used her Awakening & Created Oden 2.0 in the Future 1 Day before Oden Died at his Execution
This means Oden 2.0 & Oden 1.0 are existing Simultaneously in Past & Future & when Oden 1.0 Dies, so does Oden 2.0
In this example, that would mean this New Oden have 1 Day to live & he will disappear
And the one who Healed Scabbards can indeed be Toki who is Alive or Hiyori who was informed of this Plan by Toki when they were Trapped in the Burning Castle & that's why Hiyori chose to wait in Ringo & not meet Scabbards, because she was waiting for her Father to arrive so that she accompanies him & get him Updated on everything that happened