Chapter Discussion Is Kizaru a psychopath ?

Is he?

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Evil? There is nothing about him desiring power, money etc
Heck he didn't want to be FA
Also he could have killed those civilians who shot at him on sabbody but he didn't
I mean, you don't need to desire power to be evil.
As he himself said, he's just a slave... Of the organization that wiped out the entire island of Lulusia.

What I'm saying is that he has no desire to kill innocent people at all, but if necessary, he would kill them without remorse, even though he knows it's wrong. That's a sociopath.


Lazy is the way
He's just another corporate slave
You are not just a slave when you have a justice

FOr now all Admirals are following their justice, more or less

Aka follows his and fought Ao for it

Ao try to follow it, he is a soldier so he has to act against his believes sometimes but he still fights for his believes and quit the Marine when Aka became FA

Fuji is following his own justice and even opposes direct orders

Ryo is totally happy with the system lol and follows his justice

I think its the same with Kizaru. One way or another he is following the path he wanted to
You are not just a slave when you have a justice

FOr now all Admirals are following their justice, more or less

Aka follows his and fought Ao for it

Ao try to follow it, he is a soldier so he has to act against his believes sometimes but he still fights for his believes and quit the Marine when Aka became FA

Fuji is following his own justice and even opposes direct orders

Ryo is totally happy with the system lol and follows his justice

I think its the same with Kizaru. One way or another he is following the path he wanted to
Hey man I'm just repeating what he said. Don't shoot the messenger :kayneshrug:

Actually I got the terms mixed up, Kizaru seems to fit the Psychopath bill no? @MarineHQ @SakazOuki @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @NAMELESS ,etc
Kizaru is indeed an outright psychopath
The marines are at times forced to do something that goes against their conscience in the name of absolute justice and the greater good. Example being Akainu looking angry while bombing the Ohara citizens, and considers it necessary since they already made the sacrifices. Kizaru however would give 0 shits carrying out a similar order, that's what psychopathy is about. Even his VC hints at this
-Doesn't like to lead, prefers to follow orders
-His unclear justice is purposefully unspecified so that he doesn't have to care about his actions

Dude is stoned out of his mind, just wants to breathe eat drink and fuck.
Kizaru is indeed an outright psychopath
The marines are at times forced to do something that gies against their conscience in the name of absolute justice and the greater good. Example being Akainu looking angry while bombing the Ohara citizens, and considers it necessary since they already made the sacrifices. Kizaru however would give 0 shits carrying out a similar order, that's what psychopathy is about. Even his VC hints at this
-Doesn't like to lead, prefers to follow orders
-His unclear justice is purposefully unspecified so that he doesn't have to care about his actions

Dude is stoned out of his mind, just wants to breathe eat drink and fuck.
Or get fucked, if the Gorosei so demand it:gokulaugh:
Kizaru is indeed an outright psychopath
The marines are at times forced to do something that goes against their conscience in the name of absolute justice and the greater good. Example being Akainu looking angry while bombing the Ohara citizens, and considers it necessary since they already made the sacrifices. Kizaru however would give 0 shits carrying out a similar order, that's what psychopathy is about. Even his VC hints at this
-Doesn't like to lead, prefers to follow orders

-His unclear justice is purposefully unspecified so that he doesn't have to care about his actions

Dude is stoned out of his mind, just wants to breathe eat drink and fuck.
The bolded is important, most psychopaths dont like to stand out, they prefer blending in.