I have never watched nor read anything of Dragon Ball and never will,but from what you guys say about this character Jiren,he and Fraudo seems to be neck and neck in the issue of being shitty villains.
If Jiren had no personality and his backstory was shit,how did Fraudo have it better? He was just a hypocrite who grew up in the warpath and failed to overcome his violent habits after set free from it. His interactions with Lolden and Yamatrash were cringeworthy and unsubstancial,and were one of the things that ruined his time as a villain. His life and objective were a horrible mess with nothing well-defined. First he wanted to have a war against the whole world by reasons never explained,later he wanted a glorious death by the hands of a monstrous samurai by reasons again never explained,and in the end he wanted to be defeated by Joy Boy. This is so,what?! Did Lolda have any idea of what he was doing? We all know he didn't.
If Jiren accomplished nothing during his time as a villain and felt like a unimportant character wasting space,how Fraudo was better? He never did a single big harm to Condom-Boy's gang during his conflict against them,he never proved to the world that he was right about his claims that the people of Shitty Country are worthless softies pretending to be warriors,and his defeat had no lasting effect for anyone in the world. He was simply forgotten after his defeat.
@MarineHQ @RayanOO @Shiroyru @TheAncientCenturion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Warchief Sanji D Goat
@Elder Lee Hung @Sir Yasheen @Seth @Owl Ki