JJK 229 spoilers

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My point is he's stronger. if he can adapt quicker than gojo, and I see gojo stronger than sukuna without using TS. Mahoraga stronger because of its limitless potential, so if you can't one shot it, then Mahoraga wins.
A weaker version of Sukuna one shotted it. Mahogara got stronger, sure, but so did Sukuna. We are yet to see when Maho started adapting to Gojo's limitless. Sukuna summoned him this chapter but the wheel was present for at least 1 extra chapter
Sure hits cancel each other if the domains are of similar strength. Gojo's domain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jogo's. Sukuna's domain>>>>>>>>
We don't know that. I just don't think the strength of the sure hit is a non factor in a domain battle. It's just as important as the other stuff.

If the sure hits cancel each other but Sukuna removes his sure hit, what is Gojo's sure hit clashing against?? If we follow your logic here it would dictate that it would ruin shrine because there is no longer anything to clash with.
My headcanon obviously:

Sure hits are different for each domain. Sukuna has cleave and dismantle as sure hits and he is able to freely control them. Gojo's is info overload. And it's not affected on people that touch Gojo.

So, Gojo's sure hit works like tracking missiles. If someone touches Gojo, they get exempted from the tracking. And since there's nothing to track, nothing happens.

So when sukuna isn't touching Gojo, the tracking activates, and they get intercepted by Sukuna's sure hits.

No the domains would be in a stalemate like in Dagon and Megumi's case. That's what I am saying lol. That's the tug of war. Deal damage to the opponent so they can't maintain the domain. That's what happened to Dagon after Toji styled on him.
What's tugging though. If Gojo and Sukuna both turn off their sure hits, there's no tugging at all. Gojo's domain can exist freely within Shrine.

Obviously the CE consumption for domain matters. But not in this fight since they both have almost infinite CE.

And in Dagon's case, he was literally killed by Toji and then the domain went off.

If Megumi had a sure hit, ie, if he had a normal domain, and not a simple domain knock off, their Sure hits would be clashing most likely.

Again, Megumi domain is wierd.
But they do. They refine their barrier more and more on the inside
Where lol. The closest we see is Gojo changing his domains rules. And Kusakabe says that's highly unusual and not normal.

Like, Kusakabe literally says that once a domain user discovers the conditions of their domain, they don't usually change them. So, once the refinement is achieved, they don't keep strengthening their barrier any further.

If barrier was the most important part in domain clash and sure hits strength didn't matter, that wouldn't be the case at all.

That's wrong. Gojo was considered extremely strong with just blue and focused infinity.
Cause his CT is top tier from the start. But he did strengthen it by learning RCT.

So his CT got stronger over time...

There is a compatibility issue lol. The fact that Sukuna's domain is open barrier.
No lol. That's the exact opposite of a compatibility issue. If Sukuna had a closed barrier then they would be having compatibility issues since they are competing for the same space to imbue their CT on. But Sukuna is painting on air. So no compatibility issues.
We don't know how he did that. It's possible it was a binding vow. Plus he only experienced the hit for 0.01 seconds lol.
Or, Sukuna used RCT on his brain. That could work. And I don't think he experienced it only for 0.1 seconds. That was the difference between their Domain opening. Unlimited void landed. Then Gojo damaged Sukuna enough and broke shrine. Sukuna was still catatonic. And Gojo was going for round two of wailing. That's when maho was summoned. Basically, once shrine was collapsed, UV hit had no blocks in hitting Sukuna. So it was for sure more than 0.1 sec.

The cut the essays short and make this simple. Why didn't Sukuna's domain shatter when he had no sure hit? And also why does Sukuna use cleave and dismantle if he has stronger sure hits?
Because there is nothing to hit. He was touching Gojo, and so, he wasn't a target. Shrine only goes away when he gets damaged.

We don't know why Sukuna hasn't used anything other than shrine lol. That's what this whole debate is about.

There are at least two reasons I can come up with. But again, that would not satisfy you cause you are of the opinion that Sukuna has been trying his best and that's was not enough against Gojo.

Like I said what you are saying may very well happen and be true but so far it's purely headcanon.
I know. It's all I've got left...
lol firstly what nonsensical tinfoil are you on yoru?
Some super thick double coated triple ply tinfoils that block the government rays :believe:

lol Jogo did not in any way shape or form cancel out Gojos sure hit - Jogos domain was completely taken over once Gojo released his and held Yuji in one hand
That's what the fuck I've been saying lol.

You guys are arguing that sure hits, no matter what strength they are, always cancel each other out. Be it Gojo vs Jogo or Gojo vs Sukuna.

But I'm saying that's not the case.

The fact that it was emphasized that Gojo and Sukuna's sure hits were Equal inside the barrier, and the fact that that was shocking to Mei Mei and Kusakabe, means that normally, that's not the case.

for simplicity why do you think moves like "simple domain" & "blossom emotion" counter domains?
Simple domain disables sure hits by affecting the barrier. And FBE counters them by attacking the sure hits with CE.

What's the point there?

furthermore why didnt Sukuna land any sure hits when Gojo release FBM?
What? Sukuna was landing sure hits throughout FBE lol. Just shallow ones. And Gojo expanded his domain again. He didn't release FBE lol.

there's no point in responding to the 2nd part when michael already laid out all the facts for you
Sure sure
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