didn't you already try going down this road stating Gege cosplayed as Gojo and that he's him irl but shared an interview with an entirely different person all together?
What are you bludding about. Interview clearly says that Gege is like a Gojo IRL, meaning Gege modeled Gojo after himself, if you can't get it through that thick skull of yours and delude yourself into thinking an author hates his own fictional characters then that's not my problem.
good try making up new excuses. If Gege said they dislike Yuji on multiple occasions than I'd believe them, if they kill off a character I'm not going to believe they hate them but nice angle you're trying to shoot here.
Based on your other comments it's clear to me and anybody who reads the thread that you are not just a Gojofan, you are a Gojotard. Knew this conversation was pointless.